The worst natural disaster to hit a developing country in decades claimed about 167,000 lives and destroyed schools, houses, churches, roads and livelihoods.
Concerted country efforts have helped raise girls' enrollments significantly in the past decade, reaching gender parity in primary school enrollments in most (83 of 106) developing countries.
Developing a mentoring approach by national “experts” for each region in the country to provide treatment advice to health workers and undertake supervisory missions;
He spends a lot of time at stores around the country, at Satine in Los Angeles, Jeffrey in Atlanta and Ikram in Chicago, developing ideas for specific customers and climates.
This includes two aspects: On the one hand, the complementary nature between China's and US economies has not changed. China is the largest developing country in the world.
Some of them were donated by people who thought they were helping satisfy the rapidly growing appetite for modern technology in a developing country where few can afford it.
Under such a special saturation of our country, we are urged to make a reasonable plan of developing the energy in the new century.
Currently, the public art education in common high schools of our country is still in the developing condition which needs to be made perfect.
Establishing and developing the managing structure is the foundation and precondition of modern enterprise system in our country.
As a developing country, the consensus reached by the large number of countries: in the case of multilateral consultations should create a universal adherence to international conventions.
It plays an important role in enhancing vehicles test technology of our country that developing the advanced shifting manipulator of gear-box test.
The archives information ability refers to the general ability in developing and applying the products of the archives information of our country.
In the face of our country energy shortage, developing energy saving products and adopting new circling green energy are the best solution.
The"Third-Part Logistics" is developing fleetly as a newly arisen property in our country, and it is mean that all kinds of profession that provide logistic serve to the owner of goods.
The application and developing trend of clean production in environmental management of our country are introduced.
According to the developing strategy of prioritizing the ITS in our country, this paper presents an intelligent bus-supervised system.
Wine growth in China is developing at a remarkable pace; the country is already the world's fourth-largest producer.
The cultivated areas is rapidly decreasing in our country in the recent years because of the rise and developing of building, real estate and local industry estates.
Aim at developing the Internet banking services of our country, establish in an unassailable position in the competition of the foreign Internet banking after joining WTO.
In pushing forward the talents developing for ourself, country individual and mass organization have played important roles.
Because of the prospects in wide application of this grinding wheel, there can be no turning back in developing this wheel in our country.
Commercial mortar is divided into two forms between Wet-mortar and Dry-mixed mortar, and the latter is developing in our country.
The rising and developing of social professional associations is an inexorable trend in our country.
Relying on the "2004 Forum of SuperPhysics Teacher all around the country", an investigation about"Teaching-Style and its Developing of Physics Teacher in Middle Schools"hasbeen done.
笔者依托“2004 年首届全国物理特级教师论坛”,对全国范围内的中学物理特级教师做了题为“中学物理教师的教学风格及其形成研究”的问卷调查。
The paper described the developing mechanism and the hazard of the seawater infiltration, and the present state in our country, pointed out developing rule and trend of the seawater infiltration.
The marketing experience of foreign corporations should be learned to train marketing talents in the developing every day use market, while the country market should be developed.
The marketing experience of foreign corporations should be learned to train marketing talents in the developing every day use market, while the country market should be developed.