It is possible for doctors to find a way to keep us young forever in the far future.
Stories in this vein take place on other planets or in the far future, usually after an atomic war.
Tax cuts that apply to years in the far future are at best useless for reducing current unemployment.
But if not those particular laws, then in the far future there will have to be something like Asimov's laws.
Science fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future, like a hundred years later.
In the far future, establish union currency is the final aim of East Asia currency cooperation by thought of region currency cooperation.
I suppose that some day in the far future-one of us must leave the other; but at least we shall have had our happiness and there will be memories to live with.
In the far future our life-giving sun will engulf us all. and right now we are sitting ducks in a celestial shooting gallery an asteroid might strike at any time.
Science fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future, like a hundred years later. The following dialogues about such topics are incomplete.
While it is possible that much of our food will be grown in skyscrapers in future, most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops.
Far too many people assume, and assume wrongly, that failure in the past means failure in the future.
Whether this is related to dreams not being entirely literal, the future constantly changing, how far in the future the events take place, or simply a natural consequence of the power is unknown.
We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far as in the future, when we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable.
We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but.
You've gone too far in your anticipation of the future event at the end of time.
But let me not go too far in suggesting that asset classes near the perimeter of risk have no future.
Exactly how far and how fast life expectancy will increase in the future is a subject of some debate, but the trend is clear.
Surely this is one of the most unqualified endorsements of the future of the emissions offsetting business so far made in the U.S..
Stamps in the future and those too far in the past may be judged invalid.
In the far off future of 2050 and beyond, the world is meant to look very different indeed.
Your positive words have created the blessings you have thus far in your life, and they are needed to create your future blessings.
The answer is, prices would plunge far enough that people would expect them to rise again in the future, generating the expected inflation we need.
Reception problems have not happened so far, and there is no room for such problems to happen in the future.
But the FDA may have more-stringent requirements in the future, so I think that everything that's happened so far shouldn't be viewed as the end of the game in any respect.
Private creditors who hold Greek debt that matures in the coming years will "voluntarily" turn in their bonds and accept new ones that mature far in the future.
Private creditors who hold Greek debt that matures in the coming years will "voluntarily" turn in their bonds and accept new ones that mature far in the future.