But those results still fell short of Wall Street estimates, and Apple's share price tumbled 4 percent in the following day of trading.
The following day the picture appeared on the front pages of every newspaper in the world.
Since that first morning in 1978, I have been following the habit to this day, not making or accepting any excuses for not writing.
One day he was king waving his sword, the next a cook in his cooking hat, the following Wonder Woman.
I found out later they were discussing how much time the encounter would take up on the local news programs that evening and if my picture would be in the paper the following day.
Following the custom, people in different areas of Shandong would all have chilled noodles on this day.
The following images in this gallery chronicle the oil’s approach, starting with the burning rig a day after the explosion.
The following list Outlines the key points in the debate for a later school day.
On the day following his liberation, he saw, at Grasse, in front of an orange-flower distillery, some men engaged in unloading bales.
The following day Brazilians were told by some of their newspapers that they were living in the world's seventh largest economy, and by others, the fifth.
The EPA's decision, known as an "endangerment finding", gives the agency the legal authority to demand cuts in emissions following a 60-day public review period.
One day in the following spring, Ida talked to Della: "Sweetheart, why not stop crying and open the window on the right."
The next Sunday they again drove about the streets, and the following day the minister's wife wrote to Miss Emily's relations in Alabama.
It goes to press on Thursdays and, printed simultaneously in six countries, is available in most of the world's main cities the following day or soon after.
Some of these patients experience a sudden and very rapid deterioration in their clinical condition, usually on day 5 or 6 following the onset of symptoms.
The sleep study was conducted over a 35-day period in the participants’ homes, following their usual sleep schedules.
The sleep study was conducted over a 35-day period in the participants' homes, following their usual sleep schedules.
The following day HP launched a lawsuit in California against Mr Hurd, seeking to block his move to Oracle on the ground that he would inevitably disclose HP's trade secrets to his new employer.
They had so much rubble to clear, he says, that they often keeled over in the heat under the weight of their protective gear. Taken out in ambulances, they would usually be back the following day.
He would come back in the evening or maybe the following day, having slept who knows where, and the more storms and hunger he had endured the happier and healthier he was.
More snapshots are gathered the following day, when I start early at Dune 45, the most photographed in the world.
More snapshots are gathered the following day, when I start early at Dune 45, the most photographed in the world.