And indeed his paper lanterns (still manufactured in Japan) and furniture (most famously a glass and wood low table) are both still in production (and available in the museum shop).
During the mid 1950s when I was a kid, my dad worked in a furniture shop at Spadina and Queen in downtown Toronto.
Dress (and furniture) campaign for the Salvation Army Second Hand Shop in Norway, based on the Norwegian children's song "See my dress".
The local furniture of Fiji, it is very famous, you also could find it in the shop of the Pacific Pavilion.
Wooden floor in the shop before the new house, painter Lee Wood brush has 6 times with indoor furniture.
The shop specializes in selling antique furniture.
I went with the wife to the fancy goods and furniture shop the other day. Everything and I mean everything was manufactured in China.
What's more, buyers of such an expensive piece of furniture is never few. A big deal of such may be closed every a few months in the shop.
All the employees of the furniture shop had gathered in a semicircle around Mr. Ganesh Pai's table.
Two projects are undertaken in the class, after a general overview of shop safety and tools, furniture making, joints, furniture making techniques, and hand tools.
Liam talks about, in the long term, opening a Pretty Green shop and "banging out" furniture, art and everything else he loves.
We happened to be looking in a furniture shop and, on the spur of the moment, we bought a new bed.
I only attended two exhibitions last year; my solo show in Brussels, Belgium, and a show about materials used for home decor at Juran Furniture shop on the fourth ring road in Beijing.
The tour through the store begins in the exterior, were the shop window was conceived as a piece of continuous furniture for book exhibition, cash desk, counter and consult desk.
The tour through the store begins in the exterior, were the shop window was conceived as a piece of continuous furniture for book exhibition, cash desk, counter and consult desk.