He has resigned from his job because he has been in the hot seat for years.
On the business front, it executives are frequently in the hot seat when it comes to justifying their budgets.
After stepping down this summer as the head of the EPA, the embattled Christine Todd Whitman is once again in the hot seat.
She has been the woman in the hot seat during the last two difficult years when the company was swamped in a financial crisis.
When you're in the hot seat, there's a good chance your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask, "Do you have any questions for me?"
He was sitting elsewhere awaiting his call, but a case of mistaken identity, a bit of confusion in reception saw our mystery man ending up in the hot seat.
The more you say things out loud, such as why you're an ideal fit for a position, the more comfortable you'll be reciting that when you're in the hot seat.
The more you say things out loud, such as why you're an ideal fit for a position, the more comfortable you'll be reciting that information when you're in the hot seat.
Wing Commander Andy Green will be in the hot seat for the car's record attempt, and is hoping to break the present land speed record of 763mph (1,228km/h) which he himself set in 1997.
Other candidates have alluded to financial hardships while in the hot seat, and one person even distributed bound copies of documents describing projects he completed for past employers.
In 2005 he fell out with Jean-Louis Beffa, his boss at Saint-Gobain, and a year later he lasted only 100 days in the hot seat at Airbus after rowing with the board of EADS, the aircraft-maker’s owner.
This article focuses on the minor matters that job seekers often overlook before they sit down in the interview hot seat。
The first (and far more preferable of the two) is white-hot, "in the zone" seat-of-the-pants, firing on all cylinders creative mode.
Height completely closed valve can be used in hot water taps, installing or removing the seat ring lug, the use of soft iron in the pipeline.
But according to Sky Sports News, Hughes is one of two names in the frame to replace Avram Grant in the Stamford Bridge hot seat.
Compete for the gold in 9 cups with 4 tracks each plus quick game mode with 3 difficulty levels and hot seat multiplayer mode!
A vomit bag is in the seat pocket in front of you. I'll be right back with a hot towel and water.
Now, imagine being sat not in the observer's armchair but in the regulator's hot seat and faced with such a crisis again.
Recently implicated in causing severe reactions in some babies, including breathing problems, gastrointestinal upset, and other illnesses, synthetic DHA/ARA is on the hot seat.
由于最近牵连到引起一些婴儿严重不良反应,包括呼吸问题、胃肠道紊乱以及一些其他疾病,人工合成 DHA/ARA 正陷入麻烦之中。
Seat of Loving county, the least populated county in the lower 48 states, Mentone sits smack in the middle of furnace-hot desert with oceans of oil belowground and not much to speak of above.
Seat of Loving county, the least populated county in the lower 48 states, Mentone sits smack in the middle of furnace-hot desert with oceans of oil belowground and not much to speak of above.