Michael regains consciousness in the infirmary.
Michael stands in the infirmary waiting for Sara.
In the infirmary, Sara cleans the bandage on Michael's left foot.
A smile creeps onto his face as he realizes that he's in the infirmary.
Michael sits in the infirmary. Nurse Katie enters and begins to prepare Michael's shot.
Up in the infirmary, Michael sees that Sara has already thrown out her father’s flowers.
They would stand side-by-side in the infirmary, waiting for news on one of their people.
In the infirmary, Michael rolls up his sleeve as Sara walks in with his daily insulin injection.
I figure it's going to take at least five minutes to get the bars off the window in the infirmary.
I got separated from him and beaten ruthlessly, and when I came to it was in the infirmary at Center.
Sara finds Officer Bellick in the infirmary lobby and urges him to start an Internal Affairs investigation.
But an aged workman had died in the infirmary of the factory a few days before, leaving behind him nothing but his blouse.
T-Bag keeps lookout at the door and Michael climbs up a shelf to look at the pipe that leads to grate in the infirmary.
T - Bag在门口望风,Michael爬上架子,看了看通向医务室中栅栏的管道。
In the infirmary above, Lincoln bangs on the grate with a mop handle, making a loud and desperate attempt to get through to his brother.
Dr. Tancredi exits the room for a moment, and Michael jumps up, sneaking another origami swan into the drainage grate in the infirmary floor.
Alone in the infirmary before his appointment with Sara, Michael jams a mop handle into the grate where he has been pouring corrosive chemicals.
Good football is Milan's trademark, we have to win convincingly. This year we've had a high number of incidents and injuries, at one point we even had 12 players in the infirmary.
The escape crew comes up from the floor in the maintenance room, directly under the infirmary.
The C.O.s drag Michael to the infirmary, his foot soaked in blood.
Sucre asks if they’re still going through the infirmary, but Michael says he can’t corrode the pipe in the grate again.
Sara stares out the infirmary window as Katie walks in talking about some paperwork from the county.
In the Psych Ward basement, the cons open the access hatch and drop into the tunnels that will lead them to the infirmary.
A little before six o 'clock in the morning he had arrived at M. Sur m., and his first care had been to post a letter to M. Laffitte, then to enter the infirmary and see Fantine.
In the ground beneath the infirmary, the watch strikes ten. This triggers the mini tape recorder to begin recording.
Michael, in handcuffs, is walked into the infirmary.
In the chapel, Michael tells Lincoln that they are going to escape through the infirmary.
She tells him that since hypodermic needles are not permitted in an inmate's cell, he'll have to come to the infirmary for his regular insulin shot.
While working as a surgeon at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Lister attempted to solve the problem of infection in wounds, which killed 45%-50% of all his amputation cases.
在格拉斯哥皇家医院担任外科医生时,李斯特就试图解决伤口感染导致40% - 50%手术死亡的难题。
While working as a surgeon at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Lister attempted to solve the problem of infection in wounds, which killed 45%-50% of all his amputation cases.
在格拉斯哥皇家医院担任外科医生时,李斯特就试图解决伤口感染导致40% - 50%手术死亡的难题。