Open viewed coffee shop, broad balcony, beautiful river view, floating yacht, all looks more romantic in the light of sunset.
But more beautiful to me thy sword with its curve of lightning like the outspread wings of the divine bird of Vishnu, perfectly poised in the angry red light of the sunset.
I have seen beauty in a sunset and in the spring woods and in the eyes of divers women, but now these happy accidents of light and color no longer thrill me.
The show is light on spectacle. And it opens every weekend through October, just as it might have 200 years ago, in front of a lakeside pavilion, beginning at sunset.
More of the time was quiet, and then on the piano, always in the sunset after audition of dusk, sat on the dusk falls, refused to turn on the light.
In the evening, the sunset mountain residual light shone golden yellow like spread a layer of gold on the hillside.
Fell in the mountains west of the sun completely after. Sunset is also homing of birds, people the sound of laughter and put aside the final ray of light.
Usually they stayed awake three to four hours past sunset, with no light exposure other than the faint glow of a small fire that would keep animals away and provide a bit of warmth in the winter.
Dazzling Titan glows with a 360-degree sunset as light scatters through its very extended atmosphere. Some structure is visible in the hazes of the northern polar hood.
Dazzling Titan glows with a 360-degree sunset as light scatters through its very extended atmosphere. Some structure is visible in the hazes of the northern polar hood.