In the months ahead, Rudder will make sure his blog posts stay fresh.
Some of that work will depend on how many jobs are created in the months ahead.
Some of that work will depend on how many jobs are created in the months ahead. Mr.
Several other lesser-known Republican contenders might also emerge in the months ahead.
Many more well-known publishers will be launching similar applications in the months ahead.
And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.
This year's strong harvest season means consumers should have more money to spend in the months ahead.
However, the arrival of the flu season means the country faces a greater challenge in the months ahead.
As I alluded to earlier, your home will be shaping up as quite a center of attention in the months ahead.
Business will likely slip in that region in the months ahead, however, as credit tightens and construction slows.
This means women may bring home a greater share of household income in the months ahead and have even more buying power.
Yet to get to such a hopeful point, the cash injected into the system in the months ahead has to be lent, spent and not hoarded.
The lower figure may be explained by the widespread availability of pre-release versions of Firefox 4 in the months ahead of its launch.
"More consumers are pessimistic about their income expectations, which does not bode well for spending in the months ahead," Ms. Franco said.
Gold looks vulnerable to a roller-coaster ride in the months ahead, especially if, as we expect, the USD stages at least a partial recovery.
More pink slips, pay freezes and other hits are expected to slam workers in the months ahead as companies desperately look for ways to survive.
That's what the American people sent us here to do, and that's what we should be devoting all of our time to accomplishing in the months ahead.
Virtually all economists predict slower economic growth in the months ahead, a view given credence by April's surprisingly modest pace of job creation.
But an analysis by Goldman Sachs suggests that while Ford is expected to gain some market share in the months ahead, Toyota will contribute relatively little.
Well nobody knows what you, the electorate, are going to think in the months ahead -- or what events are going to dominate the national and international agenda.
By contrast, Mr. Monti said Italians could expect to make sacrifices in the months ahead, but pledged that those sacrifices would be fair, and evenly spread.
Economists say that despite efforts to avoid a financial meltdown, the global economy is likely to slow in the months ahead, especially in the U.S. and Europe.
Economists say that despite efforts to avoid a financial meltdown, the global economy is likely to slow in the months ahead, especially in the U.S. and Europe.