Neurosky Chief Executive Officer Stanley Yang says more than 1 million ThinkGear units have been built and shipped worldwide in the past year.
Mr King was blunter: the economy, he reckoned, had grown by only around 1% in the past year.
Mr Piech has said in the past that a full-blown combination of all three could cut costs by as much as 1 billion a year.
Zeitarbeit, as temporary work is known, accounts for 1% of all jobs, but for perhaps more than half of all those created in the past year.
Regardless, the fact that — according to executive compensation research firm Equilar — CEOs of at least 32 companies took $1 or no base salary in the past year is certainly creating a buzz.
Traffic gridlock looms in the big cities, especially Jakarta, where the number of motor vehicles has tripled to 9.5m in the past eight years but road space is growing at less than 1% a year.
The latter meeting will be focusing on the following topics: 1) Reviewing the results of cooperation between the two countries in various fields over the past year, including the existing problems.
The report showed that salary, accounting for a major proportion in the employment costs, rose 1% in the second quarter, the fastest rising quarter over the past year.
ProSiebenSat. 1, a television company, has been offering other firms advertising in return for equity or revenue shares since 2009, and reported making more than 40m in the past year.
In the past two decades, the size of the middle class has quadrupled (to almost 250 million people), and 1 percent of the country's poor have crossed the poverty line every year.
What I have noticed is in past 1 year is the traffic to my websites have increased but my adsense payments have dropped from 500 USD to 100 USD approximately.
Ought to say 1 year in the past is no ordinary soon schoolmates have paid self industrious effort for 1 year.
And have got excellent beneficial achievement. A: Look back upon for 1 year in the past, we have harvesting , also have lose;
And have got excellent beneficial achievement. A: Look back upon for 1 year in the past, we have harvesting , also have lose;