In the perfect world, everyone would have 24-hour access to clean water and networked sanitation services.
Christopher, a garlic grower in California, is manager of his company and he said, "In a perfect world, we would love to see the tariffs on China."
We have no princes, for whom we toil, starve, and bleed: we are the most perfect society now existing in the world.
We learn that we come in all shapes and sizes, that life isn’t the perfect picket fences you see on TV, that the world is real …and that that’s OK.
We learn that we come in all shapes and sizes, that life isn't the perfect picket fences you see on TV, that the world is real... and that that's OK.
To those people who say that the person ought to matter more than the clothing, I would say 'Yes, in a perfect world. One day, but it is not the way it works now'.
In a perfect world, the only thing that you would need to do to reach your fitness goals would be work out occasionally.
In a perfect world, you may have a complete set of written business requirements for a data warehouse project at the beginning of the customer engagement.
In essence, we have been provided not only the means to be more free, but also to become new, to create and project a more perfect self to the world.
In a perfect world we could arbitrarily move about our visual information into the exact configuration we desire.
To wit: "If you were to take the best engineers in the world and asked them to design a perfect plug for a child's airway, you couldn't do better than a hot dog, " one AAP doctor said.
There are a lot of smart programmers in the world, and the net provided them with a perfect launch pad for springing surprises.
If little is done in the coming years, Beddington says the "perfect storm" of threats will increase the likelihood of unrest, conflict and mass migration in various parts of the world.
They try to bring things back on track and like to see the world in order, just like a perfect stack of playing CARDS!
In a perfect world, we could all take the Conversation Skills Assessment Aggregator 2000 and it would spit out a printed analysis of our entire communication profile.
For me, in a perfect world, 30% of my work time will be on projects I'm doing primarily for love, 30% primarily for the education, and 30% for money.
For Mr Moody, Beckett was an author who aspired towards nothingness. The author and playwright stripped away the “inelegance” and “stuff’” of the world in pursuit of perfect prose.
The impulse to define, perfect, or heighten reality is manifest in a roster of iconic photographs that have come to reside in the world as “truth.”
The perfect breeding ground for collaboration, the Internet moves ideas and code around the world in an instant.
In a world filled with perfectionists who don't want to share what they've created with anyone unless they think it is perfect, the best way to get better is actually with hands-on practice.
I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
Ironically, we try to suppress these feelings, cover them up and compensate in an attempt to appear perfect to the outside world.
This perfect visual ability gives it a 360 degree field of vision, unique in the natural world.
That is to say, your life would not have that kind of scripted perfection: you get the girl, everything is going to be perfect, and the whole world falls in line, dancing behind you.
MissBurbridge, who has spent her life in Thailand and speaks perfect Thai, faced this challenge from her countrymen when she was chosen to represent thenation at the Miss World contest in 1996.
Siesta's crescent-shaped beach boasts some of the finest, whitest sand in the world and has clear, warm waters that are perfect for swimming, Leatherman said.
Whether you're making your own food or eating out, beans and whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, etc.) are a perfect combination of food available in most parts of the world.
Whether you're making your own food or eating out, beans and whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, etc.) are a perfect combination of food available in most parts of the world.