With some key enzymes being cloned in the TIAs biosynthetic pathway, it is possible to produce the alkaloids in the plant cell by the metabolic engineering.
Though these polyphenols are in other black and oolong teas, which come from the same plant, some claim the polyphenols in green tea have unique cancer-preventing abilities that prevent cell growth.
The CPPU is a kind of novel plant growth regulator which has higher activities in promoting cell division, fruit setting and inducing parthenocarpy.
During past years, much valuable information has been obtained on the function of dictyosome in plant cell.
The addition of elicitor is a effectual method to improve the production of secondary metabolite in plant cell culture.
The author reviewed their chemical compositions, properties, origins, metabolisms and certain roles in plant cell differentiation.
As a micronutrient, boron is of important role in the structure, function and metabolic activity of plant cell.
Guard cell regulates photosynthesis and transpiration, which play an important role in the life of plant, with their special cell wall structure.
The paper summarized the achievements of rapeseed by plant cell engineering technology at home and abroad in lately 20 years.
In cell totipotency, cells of plant have the potential to develop into embryos and plants.
Mitochondrions are "the plant of power" with cell, supplying the energy which body depends on all the time in every biology chemical reaction or action of livers.
The method of using technology of plant cell engineering combining physical and chemical mutagenesis offers helpful try in creating the mutant of resisting CMV.
运用植物细胞工程技术结合理化诱变因子诱变筛选抗CM V突变体,为创造抗CM V突变系提供了有益的尝试。
In both plant and animal cells that undergo programmed cell death, the protein TUDOR-SN is broken down.
Because the molecular structure of chitosan is similar with the structure of cell wall, it has great significance to be applied in plants as a new plant growth regulator.
There are many genetic transformation methods for the target gene getting into the receptor cell in plant genetic transformation.
This study basically realized the distribution and location of REEs in plant from cell and molecular level.
The apoplast is of essential significance in cell communication and identification; the apoplast signal molecules, too, plays an important role in the growth and development of plant cells.
Positional information is one of the important mechanisms underlying plant development because it is involved in pattern formation, cell differentiation and cell fate determination.
The key for producing bioactive compounds in large-scale using plant cell culture technology is to improve the production of the desired metabolites.
In the cells of plants and most algae it involves formation of a new plant cell wall by means of a structure called the cell plate.
Oligosaccharides, originated from the cell wall of plants and pathogen, can induce defense responses as elicitors in plant cells.
Andy Allen Associate Professor of Plant Cell Biology : there's twice as many 2 genes in there that we thought. Twice as many as the human has actually.
Introduces the methods of composition of manufactory cell, facility layout in the cell and the cell layout in the plant.
The advance in the production of essential oil of 38aromatic plant species by tissue culture including cell suspension is reviewed.
A difference in operating temperature between the EATR and the fuel cell is exploited by heat exchangers which efficiently enable certain heating and cooling functions within the power plant.
A difference in operating temperature between the EATR and the fuel cell is exploited by heat exchangers which efficiently enable certain heating and cooling functions within the power plant.