Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old.
The cooked soybeans are smashed in the pot.
When the beans began to bubble in the pot, one of them fell out of the pot onto the floor.
Knowing that there were still three players left, he decided to put all his money in the pot.
The lily, the seasoning put in the pot, slightly fries, finally joins the pineapple to fry uniform then.
He was so concentrated on the TV programme that he forgot the cooking and the water in the pot boiled away.
The pigeon to hair and viscera wash, sundry, put in the pot, add water and medlar altogether when a salt stew.
Circulating a tea will be divided evenly in the pot of tea into each cup, a cup of tea color, consistent taste.
Shu-fire boiler plate dish is a 24-hour shop in the pot, the environment, and low prices, praised by customers!
In a stud poker game, you can put a couple of chips in the pot and receive two CARDS, one hidden and one exposed.
Warren: We have corn syrup in the pot. We're gonna add a little water to dissolve the corn syrup. Turn the heat on.
I don't want another Mrs. Hak-Tak in the house! Why did you pull her out? I won't have her here. Put her back in the pot!
Heat the butter or olive oil in a large pot. Place the chicken in the pot and stir until all the chicken is mostly cooked.
Since he had put a quarter of his money in the pot already, he reasoned that he would do what he could to come out victorious.
Now this young man did not have a vast amount of money but wanted to play anyway so he threw a quarter of his money in the pot.
United were also drawn against the German champions Wolfsburg, probably the strongest side in the pot of the lowest-ranked teams.
The game is also very funny, the protagonist sitting in the pot over the tunnel, games and general, like a friend try to download.
Usually, there is a metal hot pot in the middle of table. When the soup in the pot is kept simmering, dishes are put into the pot.
In the pot experiment, the efficiency was decreased by 19 51 and 28 90 percentage respectively by shading or drought stress treatments.
When the heater is placed in the pot, kettle, etc. , it is placed in the focal spot, and the larger solar radiant energy density can be obtained.
Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable quantities without ill effect, and if the tea is not loose in the pot it never infuses properly.
Take out the food from the refrigerator, the first to be cooked in the pot to eat, overnight food or leftover milk, should be avoided once again let the baby eat.
So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot.
After removing the large pot from heat, remove all the chicken from the bone and with all the sliced chicken in the pot, stir carefully and allow to cool, prior to dishing up.
The mantle's motions, analogous to those in a pot of boiling water, cool the mantle by carrying hot material to the surface and returning cooler material to the depths.
Ben Weatherstaff brought the rose in its pot from the greenhouse.
Ben Weatherstaff brought the rose in its pot from the greenhouse.