The second dimension is in the realm of the inanimate.
Geochemical prospecting remains in the realm of the naturalist.
Professor Jao is also highly accomplished in the realm of the arts.
The concept of context is important to understand in the realm of the secured cache.
The 1976 film, in the Realm of the Senses, was based on this incident. [RottenTomatoes].
The question of origins really lies in the realm of the historical method, not the scientific method.
They should be ready for invocation in any tier, whether within the realm of the entity manager or not.
Computer-Based Personnel Information System" is an up-to-date technique in the realm of the new discipline."
The most important decisions begin in the realm of the unconscious, although they are often influenced by the conscious.
The software of blasting of water tunnel is one of the advancing front problems in the realm of the engineering blasting.
The research arid design of multicomputer operating system is very important in the realm of the application of computer.
When the unthinkable suddenly becomes the inevitable, without pausing in the realm of the improbable, then you have contagion.
For the citizens of Ohio and Wisconsin, at least, this vision seems destined to remain in the realm of the imagination for some time to come.
Actually, in the realm of the strategic, raising the banner of pure and radical principle is generally the fastest way of arriving at radical goals.
You would live as you fantasize Adam and Eve lived-not as disembodied spirits in the realm of the absolute, but as embodied spirits in the realm of the relative.
"Conflicting science" is a comprehensive newly-born science in the realm of the philosophical and social science of Russia after the collapse of the ex-Soviet Union.
Through dialogue to show the soul of self-survival in the realm of the individual from the fall through repentance, self-examination process to achieve spiritual harmony.
Yet the latter is of fast importance in the subject of mental hygiene, and must be understood if rational convictions are ever to operate in the realm of the unconsciousness.
Deportation is not only applicable to the foreigners that commit crimes in the realm of the country but also applicable to the foreigners that commit crimes outside the country.
An ASP.NET postback is a little trickier; using absolute positioning maintains the context menu in the realm of the current page and doesn't apply changes to the page's elements tree.
A solitary Planet, that is, one without a connection with any other by aspect or conjunction, augurs something unusual or extraordinary in the realm of the affairs pertaining to the house it occupies.
But all creativeness in the realm of the spirit as well as every psychic advance of man arises from the suffering of the soul and the cause of suffering is spiritual stagnation or spiritual sterility.
Without a doubt, each of the small decisions you make in this realm can make a big impact on your health in the years to come.
In the West, standards of cleanliness seem to have moved beyond science into the realm of fashion and fad.
Among these capabilities are the patterns we have outlined above that assist in positioning the architecture to enter into the realm of the service ecosystem.
This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism.
It has, however, proved to have a far wider range of USES than the merely academic-most promisingly in the realm of public health.
One thing, at least, seems clear: although 3D printing will create winners and losers in the short term, in the long run ,it will expand the realm of industry—and imagination.
One thing, at least, seems clear: although 3D printing will create winners and losers in the short term, in the long run ,it will expand the realm of industry—and imagination.