Roy, Susan, Lana, and Tina are sitting in the reception room at the Ace Employment Service.
Then, if you feel up to it, we'd like to invite you to join us for dinner in the reception room.
The lucky visitors also got a chance to taste German beer and delicate snacks in Pavilion's VIP reception room.
No need to stop by the reception. Guests can go straight to their room and place their phone in front of the lock and the door opens.
Reception problems have not happened so far, and there is no room for such problems to happen in the future.
On a desk in a reception room: "We shoot every 3rd salesman, and the 2nd one just left."
On the hotel reception area of security checks : VIP guests arrived at the shop front, An inspection in the Department of room for guests near the fire, fire access, detect and remove safety hazards.
对酒店接待区域进行安全检查:在VIP客人抵店前, 安保部重点检查客人入住房间附近的消防设施、消防通道,发现和排除安全隐患;
The assistant managers frequently have a desk in the lobby near the reception area, since they deal with routine problems such as unsatisfactory room assignments or overbookings.
I can't believe they remodeled the reception area and board room but we're still working in these crappy little cubicles.
Soon after, the bride stands in the center of the room, often on a chair, and throws her bouquet of flowers to the assembled unmarried women at the reception.
The main entrance, reception area and common room are all located in this part of the programme.
Outside the reception room, a group of job hunters huddled around the receptionist, asking about the interview due to begin in a few minutes.
Once in a while the parents were received in the big reception room just off the driveway, where there were busts of the heroes of antiquity, such as Molière, Racine, Corneille, Voltaire, etc.
If there is no damage of the things in your room, you can go to the reception desk to check out.
In order to find the manager's room, he is approaching the reception desk in the hall.
On a desk in a reception room: "We shoot every 3rd salesman, and the 2nd one just left. ""
Note: Volunteers to assist in the kitchen, library, English translation, cleaning and maintenance, reception & computer are needed. Please check the Reception Room for details.
Just one call to the reception and in less than 5 minutes room service delivered ironing board and a steaming iron.
This kind of hotel main reception traveling vacationist, such hotels guest room facility will compare generally stresses and enjoys in the entertainment.
Mill Du warm hospitable, he invites the reception room assorted Wood sisters to participate in various social activity frequently.
Mill Du warm hospitable, he invites the reception room assorted Wood sisters to participate in various social activity frequently.