When a smoker quits, the body quickly starts to clean itself by coughing up the debris in the respiratory system that restricts breathing.
Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10) pose a health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in the respiratory system.
Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10) pose a health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in the respiratory system.
In fact, a real powerful virus would skip the respiratory system altogether, even better than a cold virus.
The bacteria most often responsible for bacterial meningitis are common in the environment and can also be found in your nose and respiratory system without causing any harm.
As immune cells attack the respiratory system, the lungs fill with fluid and victims, in essence, drown.
In response to a primary respiratory process, the body activates the metabolic system to compensate for the change.
These virulence factors enable E. coli can be settled in the respiratory or gastrointestinal mucosa, multiply and invade the blood circulatory system, causing various diseases.
There appears to be a dysfunction in the patient's respiratory system.
In order to analyze the relationship between respiratory amplitude and target motion, a respiratory amplitude measurement system was developed.
Objective to determine the pathogen of respiratory system infection and drug resistance in patients with cancer.
It reasonably combined the morphologic and functional changes, and would affect deeply the useless of ct in respiratory system.
Results The most common infant parenteral complications of rotaviruses enteritis are in respiratory system, cardiovascular system and central nervous system, several case are severe and lead to death.
Objective In order to know the influence of passive smoking on children's respiratory system diseases, concentration of sulphocyanate in saliva, non-specifical immunity.
Conclusion: Domestic cefmetazole sodium for injection was effective and safe in the treatment of bacterial infection of respiratory system.
The changes of autopsy were mainly hemorrhage in respiratory system and congestion, hemorrhage and edema in parenchymatous organs.
Results: The adverse effects were mainly anaphylactic shock (33.98%), then systemic reactions and disorders in skin and respiratory system.
In the process of hatha yoga, total training has to be imparted to every part of the body - to the nose, heart, respiratory system, circulatory system and so on.
Unusual as it sounds, a recent analysis shows secondhand smoke may harm areas other than the respiratory system in teens.
The virus from the upper respiratory system exhibited a single amino acid change in one of the key proteins for amplification of influenza virus genes.
The effects of the mental tense factor in high speed flight tests at lower altitude on pilots respiratory system are reported in this study.
In Ningbo, long time, both eyes or the respiratory system have been gray pollution.
A measuring system consisting of the sinusoidal oscillation air supply and the transducer in connection with respiratory system of man or animal is presented.
This hormone (it's not actually a vitamin) has receptor sites in every area of the body including the immune system and respiratory tissue.
How it Helps: Easy on the eyes, this plant targets ammonia, an enemy of the respiratory system and a major ingredient in cleaners, textiles, and dyes.
Conclusion: the sweat ducts were noted in some diseases, especially in respiratory system diseases and the collagen diseases.
The results indicated that the volatile of alkyd varnish could destroy the respiratory system of mice in some extent.
Objective to observe the analgesia effect of propofol fentanyl combined with intravenous anesthesia in painless artificial abortion and the influence upon the circulatory and respiratory system.
The disease had shown systemic symptoms, predominantly with fever (88.6%), . The primary symptoms shown in respiratory system were cough, expectoration and dyspnea.
全身症状明显(发热88.6 % ) ,呼吸道症状以咳嗽、咳痰、气促居多。
The disease had shown systemic symptoms, predominantly with fever (88.6%), . The primary symptoms shown in respiratory system were cough, expectoration and dyspnea.
全身症状明显(发热88.6 % ) ,呼吸道症状以咳嗽、咳痰、气促居多。