I began by jogging in the park and worked up to running five miles a day.
One day the little daughter came running to her mother in the store-room, and said, "Mother, give me an apple."
Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 which showed a mere five to ten minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.
We were raised on books and computers, highways and cell phones, but now we were living in a village without running water or electricity. It was easy for us to go to sleep at the end of the day feeling a little misunderstood.
Each city bus can collect up to 550 pounds of plastic bottles and cups every day. The collected bottles are sold to recycling companies and the money earned from it goes toward running the bus companies and providing money for green spaces in the city.
If not, consider exercising when you get up in the morning as a healthy way to get your day off to a running start.
Yet, in this day and age, this inventory can be easily jettisoned in favor of using the same software packages as a service running on someone else's infrastructure.
In Step 7, we kept the test running for 4 days and took two 10-hour snapshots separately on day 2 and day 4.
With limited daylight, chances are you'll be running in the dark (Alaskans, sadly, get only a few hours of dim light per day).
Running is now that part of the day that I am looking forward to like some people look forward to a huge piece of chocolate cake in the evening.
I cannot think of any place I would rather be as Election Day draws close than running an underdog campaign in the state of New Hampshire!
Sometimes I get breakthroughs during other moments of the day-say, while running or walking-but nothing, so far, beats those a-ha moments in the shower.
That was a very good day in my life, because no one in my family would ever have to live on the streets like I did as a young boy when running away from that abusive Florida orphanage.
If your running is already done for the day, you can indulge in these activities guilt-free, knowing that your training hasn't suffered.
Kenya has kept its school-meal programme running in the drought-stricken areas, so families know their children will get at least a meal a day.
In a continuous integration environment, programmers are writing code, running the build and tests on their own workstations, and checking in multiple times a day.
If operators reckon there is money to be made running mobile networks even in some of the poorest parts of the world, have USFs had their day?
如果各大运营商认为在世界上一些最贫困的地区经营移动通讯网络能够赢利,那么U SF是否终于得以使用了?
Marathon running is particularly suitable for studying because participants have to put in sufficient training hours for the competition, and the athletes accommodate this into their day accordingly.
There's just not enough time in the day to get everything done, so your running shoes or novel or bath salts or strappy sandals just gather dust.
Now the picture underlines the fact that he is unlikely to play any major role in the day-to-day running of the company.
Abrams Creek was running clear and cool, shaded by tulip poplars, pawpaws, and pines, on the day I belly flopped in with Shute and Rakeslast fall.
People have hundreds of different reasons to start running and every day at least one person tries to run somewhere in the world.
Only 22 women hold full-time executive director positions, involved in the day-to-day running of the business.
Since being chosen as Mr McCain's running-mate in 2008, Mrs Palin has courted publicity tirelessly, most recently with the “One Nation” bus tour she launched in Washington, DC, on Memorial Day.
If you've got programs like BitTorrent and Skype running all day, every day in the background, Becky suggests shutting them down until you really need them.
Sometimes a patient's operation might be cancelled four days in a row, and they would receive "nil by mouth" for most of the day, four days running.
Or maybe: "You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day." Scraping in at Number 10 in the romance parade comes "The only things your eyes haven't told me is your name."
Craig Haney, like Zimbardo, explained he became completely engaged in the day-to-day crises they were facing in running the 'prison' and forgot about the aim of their experiment.
The jobs of chairman and chief executive should be divided—a good idea in any firm—and the elder Mr Murdoch should step down from day-to-day running of the company.
The jobs of chairman and chief executive should be divided—a good idea in any firm—and the elder Mr Murdoch should step down from day-to-day running of the company.