The early explorers and settlers told of abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet almost in the same breath bemoaned the lack of this succulent game animal.
Parents and teachers will tell you not to worry when applying for a place at university, but in the same breath will remind you that it is the most important decision of your life.
He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave.
He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.
He has no qualms about uttering these names in the same breath.
I don't see how you can talk about poetry and music in the same breath.
I don't see how you can talk about music and poetry in the same breath.
The groups change more swiftly, swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the same breath.
In this tenement yard, having children and dying in childbirth were mentioned in the same breath .
In fact, while lex and yacc are almost always mentioned in the same breath, they can be used separately.
Such packaging is sometimes also necessary and therefore, should not be mentioned in the same breath.
So this week folks are mentioning Billy Mays in the same breath as Carradine, McMahon, Fawcett and Jackson.
Jill said she couldn't afford new clothes, yet in the same breath described the new outfit she'd just bought.
At this time, people create their own mysterious poetry, and women's poetry can be mentioned in the same breath.
The Giant Inflatable Heart ($13.99) is rather silly, and yet delightfully charming in the same breath, so to speak.
As they smash up neat Georgian barracks, the Russians curse their own poverty and hail their victory in the same breath.
I could sincerely say that I liked him a great deal and in the same breath I could say that I was deadly afraid of him.
Although it can not be here and large hotels, entertainment clubs mentioned in the same breath, but the total daily turnover is still scary.
Speaking of Liverpool in the same breath as Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester City, he added: "Let's be honest, you hate losing to any of them."
In the same breath, they will confide that they won't become addicted if they smoke, and that if they drink they'll still be able to think clearly.
If I called your business to ask a question, would you lead off the conversation by mentioning that you're in Dallas five times in the same breath?
"Don't feel so badly, George, " Mrs. Cary blinked at him in helpless sympathy-sorry and, in the same breath, glad that the little tragedy was almost done.
Bryant knows that NBA championships won with him as "the man" are the only way to distinguish himself as worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as MJ.
More business factors get involved, media to 'beauty contest 'the huge advantage of operation, let lately period of 'beauty contest 'have already can't mentioned in the same breath.
The Zachman Framework is one tool that organizations use to analyze their existing architecture and plan for the future; often it is mentioned in the same breath as enterprise architecture.
The Zachman Framework is one tool that organizations use to analyze their existing architecture and plan for the future; often it is mentioned in the same breath as enterprise architecture.