In the same circumstances, Western medicine is often powerless to help patients whose tests come back normal but who still experience pain.
Unless the party In breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kInd In the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result.
But significant risk is involved in leaving him where he is, as he is — leaving him in the same circumstances that have, over his 27 years in a box, led to the deaths of three people.
No one can say truthfully that they would not have committed such crimes if placed in the same circumstances, he said. "We didn't know the depths of depravity into which we can descend."
At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances and then we must choose our clothes carefully.
In certain circumstances the rigour of the theory can be challenged, but in the final analysis the knowledge claimed remains the same.
What makes this interesting is that, just as light can be analysed as either waves or particles, the same is true of sound in some circumstances.
If you do find a new job, it is likely to be on the very same level you've been on, not a higher level, but in some circumstances it may be fine with you.
The main picture is almost the same in both high - and low-income countries, but the circumstances under which these incidents occur differ.
There may be multiple offerings of the same application available and you may want to control which are used in particular circumstances.
At the moment, getting an accurate idea of stellar age is possible only in unusual circumstances-specifically, if a star is part of a cluster whose members formed from the same cloud of gas.
目前,只有在罕见的情况之下才能获得恒星的准确星龄- - -具体来说,一颗恒星是星团的一部分,星团的其他成员来自同一个星云。
Maybe we should say, oh, under normal circumstances, people can't be in two places at the same time.
At the same time, we have some uncontrollable and, in some cases, man-made circumstances that have put some of these treasured businesses in very difficult straits.
But courts may allow plaintiffs who were harmed under similar circumstances by the same person or company to join together in a common class of litigants to pursue their lawsuit.
After months of tinkering, the work conditions were returned to the original state, and workers built more relays than they did in the exact same circumstances at the start of the experiment.
Twice before in history a country has, under similar circumstances, run up foreign reserves of the same magnitude.
In other words, if there are no special circumstances, as in the same amount of time each working day, doing the same or similar nature of work.
The same defect manifests itself under similar circumstances in all units without exception, including those that were fixed by Nokia's authorized service centers.
If we do get what we want we simply recreate the same thinking in our new circumstances.
Of course there are circumstances where this may not be possible - such as if you have children together or work in the same office.
No harm would come to them in such circumstances, as we afford them the same rights as we do any soul.
According to all the news stories I've read, this photo demonstrates that she is grieving - feeling the same emotions as we would in these circumstances.
Of course there are circumstances where this may not be possible - such as if you have children together or work in the same office.
By this time, the children become more capable in many areas of the events or circumstances at the same time.
Ay braves his circumstances for love, and I thought I might have done the same if I were in his shoes, 'he said.
If we do get what we want, we simply re-create the same thinking in our new circumstances.
If we do get what we want, we simply re-create the same thinking in our new circumstances.