A girl's personality often does not develop in the same way as a boy's.
Do economics and finance work in the same way as weather conditions or the movement of planets?
The case can be detached from the scooter and wheeled around in the same way as an ordinary suitcase.
Many things such as learning and problem solving can be done by computers, though not in the same way as people do.
A fireworks display staged by Servandoni would be structured in the same way as an opera, and was even divided into separate acts.
A barber today does not cut a boy's hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did.
Most antennas are made in the shape of a dish to collect and reflect the radio waves to the sub reflector, in the same way as a curved mirror focuses visible light to one point.
In some cases, cats were mummified in the same way as humans and buried at temples.
The view can be referenced in the message flow in the same way as the original table.
Financial markets do not operate in the same way as those for other goods and services.
Experts believe it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu - through coughing and sneezing.
The crisis among small Banks may not threaten the system in the same way as big-bank failures.
You can also require that any derivative of your work be shared in the same way as the original.
People who are not feeling guilty will not exaggerate in the same way as those who are innocent.
Other people will not approach everything in the same way as you, so listen to their Suggestions.
Services export to BPEL in the same way as tasks, except that each service has its own WSDL file.
Fear of the economic climate should be confronted in the same way as an irrational fear, he said.
This file can then be used to install the new hub in the same way as the original MIH application.
这个文件可用于安装新中心,安装方法与原始MIH 应用程序一样。
Obesity and diabetes don't directly affect the health of your neighbor in the same way as smoking.
He knew that if his identity were blown, he would be beheaded on the spot in the same way as Pearl.
The second lesson is that the economy cannot be analysed in the same way as an individual business.
The substeps are processed in the same way as steps, except that substeps cannot contain more substeps.
Finally, create the forward failure that reloads Login.jsp in the same way as with the forward success.
最后,采用与转发成功相同的方式,创建将重新加载Login . jsp的转发失败。
We do this in the same way as in the previous step, but this time propagating change back when detected.
After finishing eating, try to place all your dishes in the same way as they were at the start of the meal.
You should treat it in the same way as an office interview but try to relax and get along with your interviewer.
This means the screen magnifier cannot track changes in input focus in the same way as with native applications.
Two days after its release, Charlie married Mildred Harris, pretty in the same way as his first love Hetty Kelly.
Once the object is obtained, your program can use its methods in the same way as it does in the remote client mode.
Once the object is obtained, your program can use its methods in the same way as it does in the remote client mode.