Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are.
Our spirit has access to this world through the mind in the same way that we plug into the phone socket to get internet access.
Yes, in the same way that it is when people go buy a book at Costco.
Cough-variant asthma is treated in the same way that typical asthma is treated.
A document template is used in the same way that you use a template in Microsoft Office.
But he liked seeing nuns around, in the same way that he liked seeing the Salvation Army.
Facebook helps marketers interact with people in the same way that people interact in real life.
They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.
Fortunately, in the same way that we can create a canvas with ImageMagick, we can also create a label.
Service and sub-process elements are added to the process in the same way that other elements are added.
Then the factory is configured to handle validation and namespaces (in the same way that it was in SAX).
You can define an input message for the compensation service in the same way that you would for a forward service.
Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in the same way that opera singers presumably shatter wine glasses.
When it reaches a crack, the sealant is sucked out of the train and into the crack in the same way that water is lost.
This component displays a tree view of values computed in the same way that the Lotus Notes join - table component does.
If we don't destroy their habitat they will just chunter along in the same way that they have for the thousands of years.
The idea is to try and have a video games festival in the same way that we might have an arts festival or a film festival.
As you can see, this is much easier to code manually than entering each operation in the same way that the recorder creates code.
You can create a table with structured type columns in the same way that you would create a table using only DB2 built-in data types.
您可以用同样方式使用结构化类型列创建表,也可以只使用DB 2内置数据类型创建一个表。
You really don't have a peer group in the same way that you have when you're one of a number of executives working at a large company.
we should be thinking about application and “web” service delivery in the same way that we are thinking about ITIL service delivery...
In the same way that carrying a camera sharpens your eye, knowing that you can communicate your clever apercus makes you more observant and wittier.
As the manager of a large hedge fund put it recently, Goldman's clients talk about it in the same way that campers chatter nervously about grizzlies.
Young men may buy athletic shoes or apparel in an attempt to perform athletically in the same way that the person featured in the advertisement plays.
I hope that we will be able to cure the disease so that no children, no family would be affected in the same way that I've seen Larson family affected.
That's not to say that the human brain has a "god module" in the same way that it has a language module that evolved specifically for acquiring language.
Accessibility should serve as a criterion for judging overall product quality in the same way that other functionality serves to determine product quality.
When American manufacturers have access to foreign markets, in the same way that foreign manufacturers have access to the U.S. market, amazing things happen.
When American manufacturers have access to foreign markets, in the same way that foreign manufacturers have access to the U.S. market, amazing things happen.