Doug lived in the shadow of his seemingly omnipotent father.
Although now a celebrity in her own right, actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister.
Those living in the shadow of stigma.
She halted in the shadow of a VAT, allowing me to regain my feet and breath.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;
The beautiful Indian corn never grows more rapidly than in the shadow of a warm summer night.
Here, women clean up in Dresden in 1946 in the shadow of the wrecked Roman Catholic cathedral.
Couple Mikey and Tanya Carr-Hartley have a 56.56-hectare estate in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro.
The cool flower-filled highland town of Boquete sits in the shadow of the country's tallest volcano.
But in some ways raul Castro must still govern in the shadow of his older, and ailing, brother, Fidel.
Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.
Bright red signs proclaim its worth in the shadow of the Matterhorn and beneath the blank, unastonished eyes of the great Sphinx.
Yes, - you live, but you live a sickly fearful existence stunted like a tree permanently in the shadow of other peoples' opinions.
In 1971 she published In the Shadow of Man, her account of the early Gombe studies and adventures, which became a best seller.
1971年,她出版了畅销书《黑猩猩在召唤》(In the Shadow of Man),描述了自己早期在冈贝丛林的研究和冒险经历。
There are similar moves to produce gas in the far north of Russia and Norway, all in the shadow of BP's Gulf of Mexico's oil spill.
Words pale in the shadow of grief; they seem insufficient even to measure the brave sacrifice of those you love and we admired.
Gerald did not see his daughter in the shadow of the trees, and he drew rein in the road, patting his horse's neck with approbation.
In the shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.
Things looked and sounded different in Shahrak Gharb, an opulent north Tehran suburb in the shadow of the snow-capped Elborz mountains.
WHEN Mark and Joanne meet at a Dublin house party it is a Romeo and Juliet attraction: young lovers in the shadow of an old family feud.
In the shadow of a great dwelling I catch the gleam of white garments; then the figure of a woman confronts me in the road — my murdered wife!
Apple’s climb to the top of the heap cements the reputation of Mr. Jobs, who once operated in the shadow of Microsoft’s co-founder, Bill Gates.
苹果荣登榜首巩固了乔布斯的威望。 人们曾经认为,他和微软创始人比尔·盖茨诠释了“既生瑜,何生亮”的意义。
A pawnbroker believed to be the first one in the City of London for the best part of a century has opened, in the shadow of the financial crisis.
But here, in the shadow of one of the world's fastest retreating glaciers, this lone farmer has begun, in his own small way, to restore the balance.
Teenage boys play basketball in the shadow of a high school, damaged and closed for now, as camp residents do what they can to get on with their lives.
Teenage boys play basketball in the shadow of a high school, damaged and closed for now, as camp residents do what they can to get on with their lives.