The bizarre theft almost exactly mirrors the outlandish heist in the short story The Red-Headed League (see photo).
He USES the majority of strengths in the short story creation, achieves the very great achievement in the short story domain.
Lawrence confessed that he wrote stories just to earn - "running money". But it has been argued that in fiction he was best in the short story.
In the short story "the Final Problem", he had his villain, Professor Moriarty, push Holmes down the Reichenbach Falls, killing the detective off.
Takel appeared once more in the Adventure Journal when he was mentioned in the short story the Capture of Imperial Hazard in Star Wars Adventure Journal 10.
In the short story That Evening Sun, William Faulkner discloses the white mans indifferences toward black peoples sufferings by using various narrative techniques.
Through the analysis of the three characters in the short story-A Clean, Well - Lighted Place, we can see the nucleus of Heningway's works: nothingness, death awareness and heroism.
In a short story from "Toy Story", Rex's green tyrannosaurus really seemed to jump out of the screen, and the audience was impressed.
We both love thinking of the children reading the story today, coming to it for the first time and realizing that once, for a short time and in a small place, a group of prejudice-free people created a touching story of love and kindness towards others.
After a short walk though, I wandered over to the museum, which is a large, three story building, with a small open air display of a few statues in the building's little garden.
It is written in the present tense and tells the entire screenplay as if it were a short story.
The great Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges demonstrated the impact of such infinite combinations of letters on human life and thought in his 1941 short story "the Library of Babel."
The Movie: Ang Lee adapts Annie Proulx’s moving short story, which tells of the doomed romance between two cowboys who meet in 1963.
影片:这部影片由李安改编自安妮•普露 (Annie Proulx) 的一篇感人至深的短篇小说。 故事讲述了邂逅于 1963 年的两个牛仔之间的禁忌之恋。
In 1887, Guy de Maupassant sent up a hot-air balloon over the Seine with the name of his latest short story, “Le Horla,” painted on its side.
And in his short story "the Vane Sisters," an acrostic reveals an unexpected twist. (Take the first letter of each word in the last paragraph and string them together to find the secret message.)
In another event, Bruce Overby, 47, of Los Altos, California, won the Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition with "Bookmarks," about.
This short novel is the story of a war between two factions that stand in for different segments of Japanese society.
In short, the moral to this story is to always convince yourself that the invariants inside a code block ensure that any casts in the block will always succeed.
One missionary suggests that much may be accomplished bymemorizing a short story of Christ in the very finest prose andtelling it to people whenever the occasion offers.
Later in the book, short chapters are okay, but in an introduction I would have preferred a more continuous story.
To make a long story short, redundancy in systems design is a common technique to increase availability at the cost of additional hardware (and software).
The last work of Mr. Salinger's to appear in print was "Hapworth 16, 1924," a short story that took up most of the June 19, 1965, issue of the New Yorker.
Borges, a short-story writer, poet and essayist, died in 1986 without the Nobel.
In short, the story of the Atheneum is complicated. Unintended consequences abound.
In short, the story of the Atheneum is complicated. Unintended consequences abound.