Mars is the lightest planet in the solar system, which makes Mars the second smallest planet in the solar system.
Scientists have launched many spaceships to explore other planets in the solar system.
Mars is one of the four planets in the solar system that is a rocky planet.
The Moon's spin and tilt are unique among other planetary bodies in the solar system.
For more than 300 years, we thought Saturn was the only body in the solar system with rings.
The surface of Mars shows a wide range of geologic features, including huge volcanoes—the largest known in the solar system—and extensive impact cratering.
Complex life evolved on the Earth's surface, but not on Mars or other planets in the solar system because on those planets, early surface life was killed by UV radiation.
It's the largest known vortex in the solar system.
Many impact craters seen in the solar system were caused by such collisions.
In 1846, another discovery was confirmed, the eighth planet in the solar system.
Mars is the fourth rock from the sun and our outer neighbour in the solar system.
It is one planet, one place, and there is nothing else like it anywhere in the solar system.
You guessed it; the best helium-3 supply in the solar system is from the "Gas Mines" of Uranus.
Results like this make Enceladus one of the most exciting places we've found in the solar system.
Training doesn't get any simpler than this, not on this planet or anywhere else in the solar system.
Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is visible in the eastern sky before dawn, NASA said.
This montage of photos, taken by various NASA spacecraft, shows the order of planets in the solar system.
Titan, on the left, is among the largest moons in the Solar System and is perpetually shrouded in clouds.
It's the first step in a 445-million mile, five-year journey to Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.
最终,在美国东部时间12时25分,这座191英尺高的火箭成功发射,“朱诺”号从此迈出了其长达445000000英里、历时五年的木星之旅的第一步。 木星是太阳系中最大的星球。
Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, has a dirty ice surface cut by fractures and peppered by impact craters.
What they learn from all this may help us find life elsewhere in the solar system, according to a statement from NASA.
With perfect observing conditions, the Moon will be the principal astronomical observation platform in the solar system.
In fact, one scientist said that the closest planet to the sun, Mercury, may harbor the coldest regions in the solar system.
After all, Newton invented calculus in order to solve a physics problem: the orbit of the moon and planets in the solar system.
The temperatures in the craters can dip as low as -397 degrees F, the lowest temperatures recorded anywhere in the solar system.
The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.
The problem is that if life exists elsewhere in the solar system it must be living underground on places like Mars, Europa, and Enceladus.
These advances will benefit the people of the Earth and will be applied to the exploration of more distant sites in the solar system such as Mars.
These advances will benefit the people of the Earth and will be applied to the exploration of more distant sites in the solar system such as Mars.