We don't have kitchen lockers, so our cookies are in the tub under the hanging towel.
If you really don't like the cold, it's fine to go in the tub wearing running tights or sweatpants and a sweatshirt or towel wrapped around your upper body.
Jennifer: Well, I soaked in the tub for two hours.
I can make a garden in the tub. Zap! I did it! And I smell so sweet.
Stay in the tub for 10 minutes. If you feel numbness, get out sooner.
In the evening, Isaac took a good bath in the tub then tried on a new shirt.
I got in the tub, knife in hand, and got ready to do what I felt I needed to do.
As the Peace of Amiens fell apart in 1803, Napoleon lay in the tub for six hours.
Soak in the tub: Keep the water lukewarm. The temperature shouldn't be above 90 F.
Gerry: [knowing that Holly is angry with him] Are you going to make me sleep in the tub again?
You are not in the tub there; you wash at the faucet in front of you, and rinse in a basin behind you.
You are not in the tub there, you Wash at the faucet in front of you, and rinse in a basin behind you.
An exploration of mathematical shapes could explain why skin gets wrinkled after too much time in the tub.
He didn't have to work, it was just that the urge to use the phone was more irresistible than the child in the tub.
We think this is because we have more zinc and copper in contact with the acid in the tub cell than in the lemon cell.
"The tub... should I get in the tub or stay out?" I asked. I couldn't remember if the tub slowed things down or sped them up.
Even a 20-minute soak in the tub (with no kids screaming on the other side of the door) can be enough to unkink those tense muscles.
"It can be as simple as saying I'm going to be in the tub from 8 to 8:30 each night and I don't want to be disturbed," she says.
Dump one 5-pound bag of ice (or a few trays of ice) into the tub. If you can tolerate that, dump another 5-pound bag of ice in the tub.
The single worst thing you can do from a safety point of view is have a sunken tub, where all of your weight goes on to the foot in the tub.
I put the water on for a bath, and then I changed my mind. If something were to happen and I were found in the tub... I didn't like the idea.
Do something every single day that makes you feel good, whether it is changing your thought patterns or taking a bath while reading a magazine in the tub.
Pools are conveniently south-facing, which means that on a starry night you can spot the Southern Cross and other constellations while soaking in the tub.
Chocolate stains: put a basin of water placed in the sun exposure, and then dipped in chocolate stains clothes soak cleaning in the tub, stains can be removed;
The information on the baths is first collected by a thermometer submerged in the tub, then transferred to the monitoring room by the electromechanical device, which moves the dial on the chart.
Somehow, my husband had the presence of mind to bring Sadie back upstairs and gave her a couple of shampoos in the tub, which helped get the smell off of her coat, but the house was still unbearable.
The New Yorkers who spent a bundle on an outdoor hot tub now admit they rarely use it, "because we can't afford to heat it in winter".
The New Yorkers who spent a bundle on an outdoor hot tub now admit they rarely use it, "because we can't afford to heat it in winter".