Now, the Aristotelian theory, as I said, was based on the idea that all heavenly bodies basically move in circles.
During recent years, accounting circles had done many deep studies and had made some progress both in theory and practice, but there still were imperfections.
Instead, as his physical condition worsened, Hawking's reputation in scientific circles grew, as if to demonstrate the theory of mind over matter.
The theory of corporate capital structure has been in focus by economic circles since MM theorem was born.
This is not some little anomaly, as they like to say in academic circles every time they find something that disagrees with their theory.
The problem of moral construction has always been one of the hot problems in the research of theory circles.
The understanding that the company made of various circles of society has offered the abundant theory source for making the company in enterprises.
When it was brought to China from abroad, the theory of learning organization quickly became a focus in the circles of Chinese enterprises and the trend of Chinese enterprises in the 21 century.
Tax law belong to public law, use the debt system in the tax law and break our traditional tax revenue administrative power theory, become the important subject that the law circles of taxes dispute.
Since its birth, Nida's theory of translation-dynamic equivalence has exerted a great influence in translation circles at home and abroad.
The educational reform based on constructivism theory has been a development trend in international educational circles.
Since the birth of MM irrelevance theory, the economic circles have been paying intensive attention to the theory of capital structure in enterprises.
As the enterprise annexation has sprung up, the problem about goodwill becomes the focal point in the theory circles.
Over a long time, there has been a tendency in the circles of literary theory and criticism to regard literary creation as textualization of life.
Since the birth of MM irrelevance theorem, the economic circles have been paying intensive attention to the theory of capital structure in enterprises.
There are mainly three arguments regarding to the aim of the criminal law interpretation in the criminal academic circles: the theory of subjectiveness, the theory of objectiveness and that of eclect.
In recent years, Reverse Logistics has accepted more and more takes seriously and studies from business circles and theory boundary.
How but regarding protects the folk literature art work in the academic circles and the domestic and foreign existence different theory.
With Danto's works being translated into Chinese, "the End of art" has become one of the pop topics in the circles of western aesthetics and artistic theory of the time.
Deemed to the new mode of production in 21st century, the Mass Customization has aroused abroad attentions in theory and business circles.
And a "road in forest" to it's poetic theory is paved out, that is the poetic theory using history as hermeneutic base, text as hermeneutic heart and "three concentric circles" as hermeneutic system.
The later construction settlement of high way and railway is the difficult problem studied in theory and engineering circles.
The spiral of silence as representative of powerful result theory, in communication theory educational circles enjoys high reputation extremely among research on public opinion study.
Meanwhile the research on courses offered conducted by theoretical circles in China has been relatively weak and it has not been much valued in the circles of theory and education.
For a long time, the study to Keynes in the academic circles of our country is mainly on his theory of effective demand, which is the general line and key of Keynes's economics.
The nonlinear control of the control system of the law research is one of the lessons that study nowadays in automatic control theory educational circles.
Since Rawls' great work ? a Theory of Justice has been published, the justice problem become the important focus of dispute in contemporary western academic circles.
The learning type organization theory has evoked intense repercussion all over the world especially in business circles.
The learning type organization theory has evoked intense repercussion all over the world especially in business circles.