In all these hot spots, opportunities abound for European businesses to support infrastructure development and satisfy the resulting demand for commodities.
This paper reviews the heavy metal pollution in China, especially in Pearl River Delta Region, and summarizes the phytoremediation, hyperaccumulators and hot spots of these fields.
The inspiration was inspired by some hot spots in contemporary society, these works are very meaningful.
These two technologies are the new hot spots in the computer world, and attract the attention of the experts and scientists in the field of database, machine learning, and statistics.
These surfactants are operable at room temperature. which have great importance in the field of environment remediation and industry. They will be studied well as one of hot spots for the present.
Conclusion N395K and I848T mutations are the causes of clinical phenotypes of these patients; L858, I848 and N395 may be the hot mutation spots of SCN9A gene in primary erythermalgia.
Conclusion N395K and I848T mutations are the causes of clinical phenotypes of these patients; L858, I848 and N395 may be the hot mutation spots of SCN9A gene in primary erythermalgia.