I wish to propose, in this connection, that we make greater efforts in the following areas.
Much is happening in this connection and our allies are near to achieving a major breakthrough.
Sense-certainty, however, goes through, in this connection, the same dialectic process as in the former case.
MediaCorp and Service Provider shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred by You in this connection.
Lack of order in this connection will ultimately make the recognition of lack of order in miracles meaningful to you.
In this connection, Yizhuang commercial property market following residential and then to become one topic of concern.
And in this connection it can hardly be necessary to reaffirm a principle which should now be regarded as fundamental.
From out observation of a number of nouns, we are convinced that our sense organs play a large part in this connection.
In this connection, let me highlight a few principles we need to follow in our common endeavor to tackle climate change.
The system of the new teaching material for the sports training speciality has been introduced in the paper in this connection.
The lack of a clear solution to the problem of "for whom?", which I referred to earlier, also manifests itself in this connection.
Butthey are obviously deceived in this connection, for they dream of individuals, each having its own separate part of the essence.
Remember that you do not really recognize what arouses anger in you, and nothing that you believe in this connection means anything.
We apologize for the trouble we are giving you. Any expenses you may incur in this connection will be gladly paid upon being notified.
In this connection, pursuit of non-academic knowledge is a marked sign of contemporary society and an integral part of the social life.
I got a great blessing once in China in this connection. I had received bad and sad news from home, and deep shadows had covered my soul.
In this connection our fundamental task is to adjust the use of Labour power in an organized way and to encourage women to do farm work.
I hope that there will be more business in future. And I take this opportunity to assure you of our full co-operation in this connection.
I have learnt many things during my work in this connection. I am very confident of my communication power and my ability in business promotion.
We are pushing our allies to bring a conclusion to their efforts in this connection, as we would rather that the moves are seen to come from them.
I propose to sell the above - referenced Shares in the manner permitted by Rule 144. In this connection, I represent to you and warrant as follows.
At this conference, you have had more discussion on how the Youth League should do its work, and some questions in this connection have been clarified.
Finances are the biggest detriment in this connection. You can spend it as fast as the hard working Goat can make it that drives the frugal Capricorn insane.
When I speak of being "taught by nature" in this connection, I only mean that I have a certain inclination to believe it, not that I see it by a natural light.
In this connection, therefore, to rationalize SOE entrepreneurs' behavior requires selection of competent managers and creation of the right environment for them.
In this connection, therefore, to rationalize SOE entrepreneurs' behavior requires selection of competent managers and creation of the right environment for them.