Meet each of the candidates and read their campaign promises and find out why their supporters decided to vote for them in this class election.
Senator Barack Obama says his rival, Senator Clinton's "very negative attacks" played a role in Clinton's election wins earlier this week, wins which have pumped new life into her faltering campaign.
The sheer bias in the print and television coverage of this election campaign is appalling and an insult to their profession and the journalist who perform their jobs admirably.
Last year, during the election campaign, she suggested that America's most important bilateral relationship in this century would be with China.
This was one of the League’s main promises in the campaign for the election that it won in a landslide in December 2008.
Now, one side in this campaign has been telling us that the issues of this election are the maintenance of peace and prosperity.
You can see this in the Republican rhetoric that has come out during the election campaign.
You can see this in the Republican rhetoric that has come out during the election campaign.