In this present moment, remembering oneself, one can put oneself in contact with a place outside time.
You have to be in the moment. Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now.
During this retreat, they learn to live in the present moment, to unlearn the rules, agree to time off to be perfect in their imperfections, and to take action so as to bring about change.
Nhat Hanh: the question can be answered when you can answer this: What happens in the present moment?
If you are completely present, the external forces are no longer a problem, because there is only you and that external force, in this moment, and not a million other things you need to worry about.
In order to maximize effectiveness, this "in the zone" state may require you to exist solely in the present moment, taking instantaneous action while your mind is clear.
In this moment, new life begins. And love is the ever-present purpose that drives every other purpose.
Always focus your attention on the present moment. Your past does not determine your future-that comes from what you do in this exact moment.
Meditation is about learning to recognize our basic goodness in the immediacy of the present moment, and then nurturing this recognition until it seeps into the very core of our being.
If you could but perceive the miraculous nature of your own reality in this particular moment that you call the present, how dazzled you would be, and how little you would think in terms of purposes.
At this present moment in time we have added a few more dark ones to the line up in the dungeon for interrogation.
In this paper, we present new fast moment invariant computations based on image projection, which are called projection-moment invariants.
The future is an illusion, the past is a memory. Hold on to the goodness that is in our heart at this present moment and take care to fulfill the duties that we have at hand.
This gives you a really clear lesson in how much choice you have in how you experience the present moment.
This meditation is really practice for learning to be present. You can devote time for sitting meditation, or do what I do: I use running as a way to practice being in the moment.
In view of this present situation, the online exam system based on the network arises at the historic moment.
In view of this present situation, the online exam system based on the network arises at the historic moment.