In time of difficulty, what we need is not complaint to each other but understanding of each other.
Xiaofan, a smart boy from Shenzhen, used to have difficulty in getting up on time, and his alarm clock was of no use at all.
Just being able to help her in her time of difficulty filled my heart with such love and happiness.
The effusiveness and time spent in giving praise should be commensurate with the difficulty and time-intensiveness of the task.
Terminology research also takes time and effort, but that's a distant second in terms of difficulty.
That highlights the difficulty of predicting the behaviour of advanced CFRP materials being used in very large structures for the first time.
Because of the expense and difficulty of each photo taken, they became masters at getting things right the first time and being able to fit in as many people as possible into the frame.
At thinking of the way to get through this difficulty, the fisherman, who had been very optimistic in the past, fell into silence and helplessness this time.
The only way to get to this new place is to endure a time of difficulty, which is a challenge we can confidently handle, if we remember that it will lead to the change we seek in our lives.
This is a consequence of the cold war contest, of the competing demands of peacekeeping, and of donor fatigue over the time and difficulty of creating progress in the world.
Conclusion the improved technique of the operation reduces the operating difficulty, shortens the operating time, and can establish a stable reliable heart transplantation model in mice.
We overcome some difficulty in mathematics and calculate the free energy and the entropy of black hole in high dimensions space-time.
This period of time in history is full of difficulty for a lot of human beings, and you may feel less alone knowing you are not being singled out.
By the time a baby is one year old, signs of possible autism include difficulty in using words and not looking eye-to-eye or reaching out to other people.
The policy is a key element of David Cameron's "Big Society", but suffers from the same difficulty as the overall project: pushing through devolution in a time of austerity is tricky.
By design for testability, both the degree of difficulty in testing and test time are reduced nearly one half.
To resolve the difficulty of progressive time calculating in normal inverse-time overcurrent curve, two algorithms of zonal table-lookup and Taylor expansion are put forward.
Technic factor Conclusion Pathologic factor and anatomy factor are the main cause of tracheal intubation difficulty, and some other measures should be taken in time.
The verification of throughness of workflow logic is very expensive both in time and space. The state ex- plosion is the main difficulty.
However, most of the time people from the two countries don't have any difficulty in understanding each other.
A survey shows that the main difficulty in biology teaching of senior middle schools when we have research study is that teaching time is not enough and the experimental condition is not satisfied.
There are, at present, three difficulties in western countrysides, such as short of funds, great difficulty in construction and long time limit for a project.
Result: in short time severe postpartum hemorrhage bring about serious shock and begin DIC of MSOF at the same time. Correcting shock is difficulty.
Process decision modeling has been a huge difficulty in constructing CAPP development platforms all the time, and also a bottleneck hampering pragmatization and commercialization of CAPP.
Process decision modeling has been a huge difficulty in constructing CAPP development platforms all the time, and also a bottleneck hampering pragmatization and commercialization of CAPP.