That speed is also too fast to be explained by a phenomenon called true polar wander, in which the Earth's entire crust and mantle reorient, moving a different geographic region to the North Pole.
Other northerners were more conciliatory. In any case, the north's true position will become clearer after a technical committee of north and south begins work on the border's final demarcation.
That's true; yet the problems in the north Caucasus are largely of Russia's own making.
If that were true, North America would have suffered the first world-changing impact of an extraterrestrial object in the era of modern man.
Most things nowadays might seem to be made in China, but North America remains the true workshop of the world.
True, it sits at a railway crossroads between the main north-south and east-west lines, a major asset in a country where most goods still are moved by train.
We are well beyond the tipping point of whether people will give online and that is now true for mobile giving in North America too.
As I highlight in my latest book, Discover Your True North, recent scientific research shows that positive approaches to empower people is a must-have leadership trait.
But for deep-dyed internationalists like this newspaper, the game's true beauty lies in its long reach, from east to west and north to south.
After that, rotating the sensitive axis of the gyro to point the true north, the instrument is working in the azimuth mode to constantly display azimuth angle of the carrier.
Heqing County, the north gate of Dali, is historically one of the flourishing commercial regions in Dali area and this is still true today.
That's true, there may be big difference to celebrate some festivals between the North and the South in China.
Other, more accurate, devices have been invented for determining north that do not depend on the Earth's magnetic field for operation (known in such cases as true north, as opposed to magnetic north).
"Star Century City, " River Road in Putuo District, True North Taopu Road between the sides, floor area of about 40 million square meters.
"Star Century City, " River Road in Putuo District, True North Taopu Road between the sides, floor area of about 40 million square meters.