Guinea has a tropical climate with 2 seasons and now is in wet season.
As good water condition in wet season, soil enzyme activity is more obviously than dry season.
In wet season, the soil moisture change is mainly caused by the precipitation in wet season of Qinghaijfibet plateau.
It took about 5 months for the litter to lose half of its weight in wet season. The litter decreased to 19 % of the original weight in 18 months.
The emission flux of isoprene in the rubber trees in wet season showed an obvious diurnal variation, and the clouds and precipitation could evidently decrease the emission flux of isoprene.
As influenza virus activity in Indonesia may increase during the wet season, from November to April, human exposure to animal virus could be greater during the coming months.
He said that very early springs can prove disastrous for species who breed too early making their offspring susceptible to unexpected cold or wet snaps later in the season.
据英国国民托管组织的自然保育专家马修·奥茨解释说,“春天来得太早对很多物种其实是个灾难,因为它们繁殖的太早,后代就很容易受到突如其来的寒潮或降雨影响。 寒冷的冬天让动物能够正常冬眠,而温暖的春天和早早到来的夏天为昆虫创造了理想的环境来大量繁殖,并进而保证了秋天果园、树林和灌木丛里各种浆果的大丰收。”
Processingoperations were suspended in late January as a precaution to ensure that levelsin the plant's tailings storage facility remained below authorised limitsthroughout the wet season.
“We don’t need more water in the dry season, and we don’t need less in the wet season, ” she said. “We would like to see the water as it is.”
In the wet season it more than doubles in area with a depth in some places of nine metres.
Turbulence in the season only, I can put my mind getting wet, when the tears and the rain while emission, I can deceive myself that this is the rain!
Zambia had a proper wet season this year; three weeks before we came, there was news of 12 people having drowned in floods.
Shangri-la, Yunnan. In the ancient forest nestled by snowy mountains the air is wet and cool in the rainy season.
Flowers were available in the community year-round, but 53.2% species flowered in Mar-May corresponding to the late dry and early wet season of the year.
During there is a difference in temperature season, the condensing water may appear, the buyer should deduce the temperature difference or get rid of the wet.
In many Asian countries, including Vietnam, Thailand, and some parts of China, you will see a wet season and a dry season.
In areas of the tropics and subtropics, the wet season occurs during the summer.
We are now in a wet season and it is necessary to address the warehouse flooding as early as possible.
Found only in the wetlands of upper Guinea in West Africa, the purple marsh crab lives in muddy holes that remain wet even during the dry season.
In the far northern gulf country and cape york peninsula there are huge empty regions cut by countless dry riverbeds which can become overflowing rivers in the wet season.
As the city begins to heat up for summer, some foreign residents will celebrate the beginning of the wet season in other Asian countries.
Account should also be taken of the difference between dry - and wet-season soil conditions. If the ground freezes in winter, the choice of systems may be limited.
It was such a wet winter that all the rains of the whole year seemed to pour in the season.
The Xijiang River's inorganic carbon source was major from karst process in the drainage basin. Due to the "washing effect" , the content of HCO3- ion increased in the wet season.
The Xijiang River's inorganic carbon source was major from karst process in the drainage basin. Due to the "washing effect" , the content of HCO3- ion increased in the wet season.