The machine may be out of order, in which case it will be repaired at once.
In which case it may be a good idea to pull off your electrodes and just go home.
The model is not adapted for the chosen constraints, in which case it should be modified.
In which case it will not matter, will it, that I be devoured by the birds and beasts.
A GSSAPI service principal may also initiate context, in which case it requires a TGT.
"In which case it will not matter, will it, that I be devoured by the birds and beasts".
"I'm just an intern." you think your power or influence is limited, in which case it certainly is.
If you are fortunate, your native language, maybe used widely, in which case it is useful to a potential employer.
Of course, you can make the extension required, in which case it is automatic (for the model where the profile is applied).
I think a Kanban system can scale to cover the full value stream, in which case it works as a live visualization of the value stream.
This value can also be set in the HTTP access service definition, in which case it will override the setting in the authentication profile.
也可以在HTTP访问服务定义中设置这个值,在此情况下设置的值将覆盖认证 profile 中的设置。
Credit should be supplied by the free market, in which case it will almost always be offered intelligently, primarily to producers, not consumers.
A satin fabric may have as few as five harnesses to form the repeat (in which case it is called a 5 -shaft satin), or it may have many more.
Or a reference type variable might not hold a reference to any object, in which case it is said to be a null reference or a reference to Nothing.
After you have the cursor, you can tell it to give you the next record, in which case it moves down the list of records, in the order specified by the SQL statement.
The server's response will be displayed using JSON notation in an alert box, unless it is a simple value, in which case it will be displayed inline alongside the method.
服务器的响应将在警告框中用 JSON标注显示出来,如果是简单值,就会内联在方法旁边直接显示。
Still, real wages have probably risen faster than productivity, in which case it is pretty clear that over the past year household wages have comprised a growing share of GDP.
Bills may originate in either the House of Representatives or the Senate, unless a bill involves raising revenue, in which case it must originate in the House of Representatives.
You could also write this as an absolute reference or without a prefix entirely, in which case it would be assumed that the JAR files were in the same directory as the application JAR.
您可以将它写成一个绝对引用或者完全没有前缀。这种情况下,我们假设JAR文件同应用程序 JAR在同一个目录下。
A French child (enfant) is masculine, unless the speaker wishes to emphasize its femaleness, in which case it becomes feminine, but a Portuguese or Brazilian child (crianca) is always feminine.
She judged a case in which the groom made his bride sign the prenuptial on the way to the marriage ceremony; that invalidated it.
It seems obvious, then, that retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago.
In this case, the optimizer assumes an even distribution of all values in COLUMN_Y, which means it assumes that all values have the same frequency.
Since the client trusts any signing certificate it has (which in this case includes the ca certificate), it trusts certificates that the ca has signed.
If that logic embodies true business value, however, then you'll want to test it, in which case you'll get to see the Extract Method pattern at work.
Since the client trusts any certificate it has (which in this case includes the ca certificate), it trusts certificates that the ca has signed.
A question mark indicates an invalid option, in which case the character triggering it is stored in the variable optopt.
A question mark indicates an invalid option, in which case the character triggering it is stored in the variable optopt.