Because it's fun to practice and good for health, Five Animal Exercises are becoming more and more popular in recent years, not only in China, but also in many other places of the world.
And with demand for computing picking up in other parts of the world, the boom in data-centre construction is spreading to unexpected places.
At this moment, countless people in Africa, Asia, Latin America and other places in the world haunted by starvation and poverty are watching us silently with hope in their gaze.
We will make intensive preparations to facilitate the visits to the Shanghai World Expo and other places in China by foreign political leaders and our foreign friends.
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor but called in Spain Carlos I, extended his crown to other places in Europe and the rest of the world.
神圣罗马教皇查里斯五世(Charles V, Holy RomanEmperor)--在西班牙被称为卡洛斯一世(CarlosI),将他的王权扩展到欧洲的其它地区和世界的其它角落。
They are rare but they have been noticed in Racetrack Playa and a few other arid places around the world subject to occasional floods.
We have — or we've had — the best secondary - and [college] -education system in the world, and we by and large changed the world — not just ourselves, but also England and some other places.
Some of the members of the Doctor's family have departed to the other world, others are scattered in places unknown to me.
There's no real magic in this world, she said. But there are places where it touches the other world.
Well--that kind of thing happens in other places, and the world still goes on.
There are many men and women who wouldn't think of engaging in the procreative act in certain places of the world, and there are other places in which nothing seems more right and pleasant.
Many other places now make great wine and, in the U.S., beginning wine lovers turn more to the New World.
As long as Japanese investors do not feel panic about the domestic financial situation, it counts little whether some other places in the world feel panic or not.
We may be keen viewers and readers of the news because we want to know about Other people , events and places in the world.
If you want to know something about other places in the world, I will check for you.
We know that you have research centers not only in the US, other places around the world.
In 1917, during World War I, the bars and other establishments in Storyville were closed and jazz musicians began looking for other places to work.
You only have to look at some of the top players in world football and they come from small countries in Africa and other places.
Other places in the world are equally in danger, but the United States is poised for special catastrophes.
A UK village restaurant has been declared the best in the world, and 13 other British restaurants were among the top 50 places to eat.
Now, we are starting to become aware that our actions as individuals and as groups ALWAYS impact directly on other forms of life and on the inorganic world; and in places and at times far from us.
These products are mainly applied in the fields of chemistry, lighting, medicine, food and metallurgy. They are exported to Europe, the USA, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam and other places of the world.
A mature transportation network shortens the distance from Hangzhou to other places in China and even in the world and a 1.5-hour transportation Circuit has been formed in Hangzhou.
A mature transportation network shortens the distance from Hangzhou to other places in China and even in the world and a 1.5-hour transportation Circuit has been formed in Hangzhou.