This is the process inaccurately called slipped disc.
This condition is sometimes inaccurately referred to as an alcohol allergy.
A substantial number of references in biomedical articles are cited or quoted inaccurately.
Nevertheless, these inaccurately stated laws are of immense practical and theoretical value.
The other several times of the documents provided are inaccurately, I also pointed out that one.
Unreal chemistry questions usually make teachers and students understanding chemistry inaccurately.
The older view is that they are absolute, though of course they may have been inaccurately formulated.
Anyone can create a web page that describes you inaccurately or criticizes your performance at a company.
My personal life will be found out, inaccurately reported, and used to make money for absolute strangers.
Original documents which are inaccurately and incompletely recorded shall be returned for correction or supplementation.
Her statement inaccurately suggests that short-term weather fluctuations must be consistent with long-term climate patterns.
If you inaccurately guess your Net Carbs consumption, you might think that you are on the Atkins diet but, in fact, you are not.
HAROLD CAMPING, the radio preacher who inaccurately forecast that the Apocalypse would begin on May 21st, made a rookie's mistake.
Nevertheless, when a filmmaker inaccurately portrays a beloved historical person or an emotional event, experts are always quick to point it out.
They shouted, inaccurately...A date was set for the Langevin trial — to begin just as Marie was scheduled to accept her Nobel Prize in Stockholm.
The problem is that these libraries actually slow down the pages for consumers and measure inaccurately, driving the wrong behavior for developers.
To use a line often attributed - probably inaccurately - to Mark Twain, history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. And this is one of those cases.
No convergent drawback of the weight vector due to choose the dispersion constant inaccurately in the normalized constant modulus algorithms (NCMA) is overcome.
Freud came under severe criticism for his advocacy of the drug and defended himself by claiming (inaccurately) that he had never advised its use in subcutaneous injections.
Neural network BP training algorithm based on gradient descend technique may lead to entrapment in local optimum so that the network inaccurately classifies input patterns.
If you do not synchronize the clocks on the workbench and on all of the systems under test, resource counters are displayed inaccurately (with respect to time) in the reports.
But, he added, the researchers need much more evidence that other rocks have been inaccurately dated before they jump to radically different theories about the moon's formation.
Prior medicine sprayers are not good in pertinence and can only inaccurately spray medicine to the mouth, which does not facilitate the treatment of disease and wastes medicine.
Some popular inaccurately phrased expression_rs like 'The Buddha entered into nirvana or Parinirvana after his death' have given rise to many imaginary speculations about nirvana.
Somatization is a complex concept that is often inaccurately used by Western researchers to refer to Chinese and other Asian patients' inability to express themselves emotionally.
Somatization is a complex concept that is often inaccurately used by Western researchers to refer to Chinese and other Asian patients' inability to express themselves emotionally.