Inauguration day a night to celebrate and a day to plan for the next 4 years.
While Lincoln waited for inauguration day, he chose the members of his cabinet.
He was asked if he thought the Israeli assault on Gaza might end by Inauguration Day.
Inauguration Day occurs once every four years, about two and a half months after the national election.
There is no in-lieu-of holiday for employees who are not regularly scheduled to work on Inauguration Day.
On Inauguration Day, the crowd had to step over the bodies of the dead birds all along Pennsylvania Avenue.
Costs could fluctuate depending on the weather on Inauguration Day and the size of the crowd that turns out.
Despite the weather forecast-a hundred degrees and very, very sunny-an audience of sixty-five thousand is expected, Obama's largest since Inauguration Day.
On Inauguration day, Michael Powers of Pikeville, Tenn., wrote to Mr. Obama, telling him he had lost his father, a three-pack-a-day smoker, to lung cancer in 1979.
After the sadness of a miscarriage and the stillbirth of a daughter, Caroline Bouvier was born in 1957; John Jr. was born between the election of 1960 and Inauguration Day.
We listened intently to the words spoken on Inauguration Day service, duty, honor. But being seven, we didn't quite understand the gravity of the position our Grandfather was committing to.
Mrs Fernandez said: "Fidel believes in Obama." He told me he had followed the inauguration of Barack Obama very closely, that he had watched the inauguration on television all day.
Obama had spent months preparing for a transition, a highly complex venture condensed into the 72-day period between now and the Jan. 20 inauguration.
The Web's encore came at the Inauguration, when streaming video had its most dramatic day up to that point.
The Web's encore came at the Inauguration, when streaming video had its most dramatic day up to that point.