Sometimes original art works appear questionable or inauthentic because they've had so many restorers add touch-up layers to cover up damage, damage from the paint having deteriorated over time.
Hence, it would lead to the appearance of fake or inauthentic news.
His demeanor and ambition mark him as an inauthentic black man, a sellout.
Practice in using synonyms and near synonyms in inauthentic and then authentic texts.
Not only was I stuck in my inauthentic hatred, but the feelings underneath were hurting me too!
It is an inauthentic way of living, as we deny responsibility for our own lives, our own choices.
The consciousness of inauthentic self usually intensified the aforementioned senses into despair.
In short, from a cultural orphan with inauthentic name to a successor of traditional black culture;
Out ton the road, backpackers love to talk about how authentic their travels are and how inauthentic tourists are.
If the Shurangama Sutra is inauthentic, then I vow to fall into the Hell of Pulling Tongues to undergo uninterrupted suffering.
A loophole in the 1996 Auction Law in China means that buyers have no recourse if they purchase a lot that turns out to be inauthentic.
For Nietzsche, the underpinnings of consciousness which make the operations of consciousness inauthentic are the nature of language itself.
When it comes to healing and understanding our negative emotions, there is one important thing to realise: Some of our feelings are inauthentic.
And, knowing who you are inside — independent of the pressures to adapt to a "self" that may bring external reward but also feels alien and inauthentic.
As with many aspects of happiness, people often assume that friendship should flow easily and naturally, and that trying to "work" on it is forced and inauthentic.
Deep acting may help improve mood in the short-term, but Scott says it has been suggested that if people do this over a long period they start to feel inauthentic.
The embroidery and decoration, all that now seems inauthentic, something that, in fact Yeats's audience had failed to value properly he's complaining here in this poem.
The embroidery and decoration, all that now seems inauthentic, something that, in fact Yeats's audience had failed to value properly he's complaining here in this poem.
If the children actually are gay, they may feel inauthentic, like they are following in their parents' footsteps rather than becoming who they intrinsically are meant to be.
He admits that he doesn't really have an advanced theory that secures one kind of representation as true or authentic and secures another kind of representation as bias and inauthentic.
The answer was simple. My remaining hatred was inauthentic - the real hatred I had felt for him had been healed a long time ago; what remained was a cover for the authentic feelings underneath.
There's something wrong about lives, something inauthentic about lives that are lived without facing the facts of our mortality and living accordingly, whatever the appropriate responses might be.
Overall, the prosperous development of mass communication, especially the new media should pave way to the occurrence of fake or inauthentic news, when taking the two reasons into considerations.
But the feature of P2P systems, such as open nature and user anonymity, leads to the flood spread of computer virus, useless data, and inauthentic information, because of some irresponsible peers.
但是P 2 P系统的开放性以及节点匿名性等特征导致了计算机病毒、垃圾数据、伪造文件的传播。
But the feature of P2P systems, such as open nature and user anonymity, leads to the flood spread of computer virus, useless data, and inauthentic information, because of some irresponsible peers.
但是P 2 P系统的开放性以及节点匿名性等特征导致了计算机病毒、垃圾数据、伪造文件的传播。