Main task of our subject is to detect the incident laser beam. And it is required to get its wavelength and incident angle.
A method of measurement of bubble diameter in the prism is given. The measured diameter direction is incident laser beam direction.
Placing a diffractive optical element(DOE) on the incident laser beam to improve the depth of focus, the DOE'S aperture is variable.
The optics window of photoelectric equipment has strong reflecting characteristics for the incident laser beam, which is known as cat eye effect.
Conditions by which a circular symmetrical focussed spot can be obtained when the incident laser beam is an elliptical Gaussian profile are determined.
With respect to the incident laser beam with Gaussian intensity, the possibility of controlling the line focus profile by active optics system is discussed.
Because temperature rise of the exposed region must meet the requirement of diffusion experiment, high power density of the incident laser beam is necessary.
The results have shown that the transformed light beam has an obviously interferential and diffraction structure, and the distribution of incident laser beam a…
In conditions that the laser gains can be obtained, the relations between the maximal allowable divergence Angle of incident electron beam and other physical parameters are discussed.
When laser beam is incident on an inhomogeneous isotropic plasma, the variations in density profile perpendicular to main density gradient may develop, producing a rippling of critical surface.
Based on ASTF the influence of such parameters as tip-sample distance, tip aperture diameter and the incident Angle of illuminating laser beam on PSTM image has been discussed.
Based on ASTF the influence of such parameters as tip-sample distance, tip aperture diameter and the incident Angle of illuminating laser beam on PSTM image has been discussed.