When the projecting distances of two gauges on the incident wave direction equal half of the incident wave lengths or time it, there will be a singular problem.
Hydroodynamic response of ship under different incident wave direction, load bearing and mooring manner has been analyzed which can be referenced in the design of port.
To examine the effects of significant wave height and incident wave direction on platform motion, a series of experiment tests are carried out with different sea states.
Using Bretschneider spectrum as incident wave spectrum, the grouping coefficients of square caissons are obtained for various incident wave direction and caisson spacing.
Numerical experiments have been performed to examine the effects of the distance between the cylinder and the vertical wall, and the wave incident direction on the wave force on the cylinder.
Meanwhile, the strength of the incident shock wave has the most important influence on the transmitted flow system, that is, strong shock induces the whole flow field towards the shock direction.
对波系起 实质影响作用的是入射激波强度,激波越强,则整个透射流场呈现偏向激波的趋势;
And there is much more phase delay, when the fabrication excursion is perpendicular to the incident wave polarized direction.
And there is much more phase delay, when the fabrication excursion is perpendicular to the incident wave polarized direction.