The formulae of reflecting coefficient are derived from the theory of electromagnetic field for arbitrary incident electromagnetic wave to radar absorbing material.
The near-shore wave-current field formed by the breaking of oblique incident wave is numerically simulated by applying the mild slope equation for describing the wave propagation in coastal zone.
With the method of physical optics, the caustic field distribution of FZP illuminated by plane wave is analyzed, and the numerical results for the incident plane wave oblique to FZP are presented.
Meanwhile, the strength of the incident shock wave has the most important influence on the transmitted flow system, that is, strong shock induces the whole flow field towards the shock direction.
对波系起 实质影响作用的是入射激波强度,激波越强,则整个透射流场呈现偏向激波的趋势;
Owing to the presence of interface of dielectric and air, it is required to impose three waves, including incident plane wave, reflected and transmitted waves at the total-scattered field boundary.
Under rotating wave approximation, the total coherent Hamiltonian of photon-phonon coupling system driven by incident field is introduced.
Under rotating wave approximation, the total coherent Hamiltonian of photon-phonon coupling system driven by incident field is introduced.