Most of Africa is urbanizing at a lower level of income than other regions of the world did.
Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level, which is below a given proportion of average family income.
Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level which is below a given proportion of average family income.
If your goal is to reach a certain income level in your business and the competition is cutting prices, you could develop a new product line to gain the edge.
Possible nodes on the tree would be age, income level, current number of cars, mariatl status, kids, homeowner, or renter.
College costs have been rising steadily relative to family income level for more than a decade.
Depending on a man's age, income level, education, needs in life, the answers can vary.
In the right circumstances the good times may be prolonged, allowing an economy to reach a higher income level before the inevitable slowdown.
There is ample evidence that social factors, including education, employment status, income level, gender and ethnicity have a marked influence on how healthy a person is.
I wonder if you remember when in history the United Kingdom was at this income level?
The freedom to go vagabonding isn't dependent on your income level. Instead, it's about being aware of how you use your current income.
The research controlled for differences among the vacationers and those who hadn’t taken a trip, including income level, stress and education.
The finding held up even when other marital stressors, such as depression and income level, were ruled out.
即便把其他影响婚姻状况的压力因素刨除在外,如,抑郁,和收入水平, 上述结论依旧成立。
When asked about the tax cuts in the stimulus, Obama declined to specify whether the tax breaks would phase out at a certain income level, saying he is still working out details.
These companies not only rigorously segment their markets by income level, they also lead consumers up the value chain as they become richer.
Pension coverage increases with income level.
To prepare a counteroffer you will first need to decide what your desired income level is, and then research your career field and locale to determine if this goal is even feasible.
Many higher paying jobs require 50-60 hour weeks. This could be 10-20 hours more than you were putting into your low to middle-income level job.
Thanks partly to the stranglehold exercised by the teachers' union, Mexico's educational performance is poorer than it should be given its income level.
Economists say there is no specific criteria for defining the middle class, though income level is the most common way of breaking it down.
Because of your income level, you may be eligible for certain mortgages that others would not be.
They constantly spend to the top of their income level and set little or nothing aside for the future.
The factor affecting the housing consumption of the town residents is various, including the income level, housing price, population factor, policy about finance and tax etc.
There are significant positive correlations between the absolute income level and the size of the insurance market.
There are significant positive correlations between the absolute income level and the size of the insurance market.