If you define an invoice method on a class, you have no way of knowing that some other user of that class won't define a different, incompatible method also named invoice.
Unfortunately, it is incompatible because at the metadata level every method on every interface has its own slot (which makes explicit interface implementations work).
Results show that the method of radiation enhancing interphase reaction is an effective path for improving incompatible polymers' interphase adhesion.
By the present method, a new incompatible curved quadrilateral plane element with eight nodes is obtained.
Thrown when an incompatible class change has occurred to some class definition. The definition of some class, on which the currently executing method depends, has since changed.
In the calculating, the local incompatible mesh was adopted at the joint of the pier and other structure, then apply compatible displacement method of local incompatible mesh to calculate.
A new method to express the displacement field of isoparametric compatible element is presented in this paper, based on it a new method for formulation of incompatible finite elements is developed.
It is concluded that the slide polybrene method can detect incompatible crossmatch induced irregular antibody and may be applied to crossmatch under special conditions.
For the test application time can be reduced effectively, this paper proposes an approach based on scan chain disabling technique, in view of incompatible test vector compression method.
For the test application time can be reduced effectively, this paper proposes an approach based on scan chain disabling technique, in view of incompatible test vector compression method.