It is seen that enlarged air Spaces is communicated with proximal respiratory bronchioles and bronchioles, no narrow or incompleted narrow bronchiole were found.
The results showed that the direct reason for incompleted exerting of drug efficacy was improper dosing. The authors also made Suggestions on how to avoid such abuse.
In addition, the higher content of free phenol in waste water was due to the incompleted reaction resulted by the exceedingly high molar ratio of phenol to formaldehyde.
Methods The ultrasonography of intrauterine remainder was retrospectively analyzed in 262 cases with incompleted medical abortion. The results were compared with pathological findings.
方法回顾性分析2 62例妊娠早期药物流产不全患者宫腔残留物声像,并将超声检测的宫内异常回声或内膜最大厚度与病理结果对照。
Methods The ultrasonography of intrauterine remainder was retrospectively analyzed in 262 cases with incompleted medical abortion. The results were compared with pathological findings.
方法回顾性分析2 62例妊娠早期药物流产不全患者宫腔残留物声像,并将超声检测的宫内异常回声或内膜最大厚度与病理结果对照。