The light is being bent inconsistently, giving blurred images.
When synchronization is not used or is used inconsistently, answers become more complex.
When iFrame portlets are used, the Back, Forward, and Refresh buttons browser appear to operate inconsistently.
使用iF ramePortlet时,浏览器的“后退”、“前进”和“刷新”按钮会导致操作不一致。
Anxious people who worry about whether their partner loves them often had parents who were inconsistently nurturing.
But be careful not to act inconsistently toward your friends and make them feel confused about your feelings for them.
Methods of sample agitation have not been provided, as they are likely to inconsistently distort the analysis of results.
If the girl is inconsistently talking to you for hours on the phone and ignoring you the next day then the case is she is moody.
Be aware that browsers implement standards inconsistently and make sure your site works reasonably well across all major browsers.
Many manufacturers did not follow the standard precisely, or inconsistently interpreted or completely ignored the references to EIA-485.
许多厂家没有完全遵循本标准,有些厂家则完全忽视EIA- 485的规定。
The challenges of this technique are that it's often inconsistently applied among developers on a team, and that it can be easy to miss opportunities for refactoring.
Historical applications (that is, horribly outdated legacy code) sometimes refer to these directly, but produce errors during compilation because they're declared inconsistently.
In contrast, without resorting to the use of non-standardized and inconsistently implemented namespace extensions, RSS is capable only of handling plain text and escaped HTML content.
However, both players performed inconsistently throughout this past season, resulting in a Lakers team that never quite knew what they'd get from each player each night they took the floor.
Exceptions did exist, especially with alkali-hydrolyzable n, readily available p, readily available k, and micro-elements, which sometimes altered inconsistently with the above-said patterns.
Exceptions did exist, especially with alkali-hydrolyzable n, readily available p, readily available k, and micro-elements, which sometimes altered inconsistently with the above-said patterns.