In light of this discovery, collectors predict that the life-size sculptures will decrease in value while the miniatures increase in value.
If you put your savings under a mattress, we guarantee it's not going to increase in value.
If you invest money, you put it into property, shares, etc... so that it will increase in value.
The currency's value would fluctuate day to day and any increase in value could be gradual and limited.
Stocks have much greater potential to increase in value but they are also more subject to market fluctuations.
Maybe you will say happily I save money but your money reduce a part and the goods don't increase in value.
The experiment of limited irrigation indicated that the increase in value of den irrigation reached up to 58.7%.
This is because companies continue to increase in value and any short term fluctuations in the stock market are smoothed out over time.
If the assets increase in value or pay off over time, the Fed and AIG will share the benefits, with most of the upside going to taxpayers.
American manufacturers contend that the yuan is undervalued by as much as 40 percent even with its increase in value since the summer of 2005.
The item game software sale, network game been responsible for peripheral product sale and increase in value to serve total sales to have company sales is 30-40%.
The environmental problems with the ecosystem crisis, as a result of the western industrial civilization, were caused by mode of production pursued by unilateral increase in value of the capital.
The connotation of disaster mitigation effect in disaster economics, in a broader sense, refers to that investment in disaster mitigation will not only increase in value, but also yield new value.
Faced with the need to increase exports yet again, Argonia's finance minister has proposed another reduction in the value of the argon.
In 1987 a similar reduction in the value of the argon led to another increase in Argonia's exports.
When your applications receive an error indicating that there is not enough storage in the application heap, increase the value of APPHEAPSZ.
当应用程序接收到一个表明应用程序堆中存储空间不够的错误时,应该增加 APPHEAPSZ的值。
In each phase, the benefits of centralizing business operations increase, so that value is added incrementally.
But the impact can be all too real, as write-downs reduce overall book value and increase leverage ratios, a particular concern in these debt-averse times.
Among other benefits, our users see this value in terms of a reduction in costs, increase in agility, and a tighter alignment between business objectives and technical activity.
A ledger account is simply a record of changes (increase and decrease) and balances in value of a specific accounting item.
Each step represents greater maturity and a corresponding increase in business value and it benefit.
Yet even though these routines increase customer value, few development cycles are devoted to putting these processes in place.
In their best-selling book the Balanced Scorecard, 10 Robert Kaplan and David Norton highlighted several ways in which business decision - makers can increase the long-term value of the business.
The complete elimination of waste within the supply chain streamlines your organization and positions you for a geometric increase in your ability to deliver on-target business value.
Weibo accounts for the vast majority of the approximately 200% increase in Sina's stock value over the past year.
About one-third of the projected increase in the dollar value of the BRICs' GDPs comes from real currency appreciation rather than real growth.
Depending on the speed of your system, you may have to increase the count value to even see a difference in The Times.
Depending on the speed of your system, you may have to increase the count value to even see a difference in The Times.