By consolidating production at its plants in Hamina, Ludwigshafen and Pischelsdorf, BASF will significantly increase capacity utilization at those plants while improving its cost structure.
The strengthening heat transfer can significantly improve reduction feeding rate and shorten the cycle of reduction process, finally increase production efficiency.
Magnetic mixture fertilizer helps to increase rice production significantly as well as chlorophyll content in rice leaves.
Analysts predict that oil sands production and Coal bed methane development will increase significantly in coming years and offset the decline in Canada's conventional crude oil and gas production.
The result indicated that moxibustion could significantly increase IL-2 production of spleen cells.
结果显示艾灸能显著提高正常大鼠脾细胞IL- 2诱生水平。
It's expected there will be an increase in energy production efficiency. In addition, the CO2 emissions of the heat production in the area will reduce significantly.
At present, the expensive medium in industrial production and the long fermentation cycle increase the production cost of enterprises significantly.
High and low double speed filling can avoid the overflow phenomenon, and can significantly increase the production efficiency.
Improvement of chilling tolerance in rice may significantly increase rice production.
Building mathematical model to study production enhancing mechanism of the fracturing fluid adding fibers, which displays that it could increase yield significantly from a theoretical analysis.
Building mathematical model to study production enhancing mechanism of the fracturing fluid adding fibers, which displays that it could increase yield significantly from a theoretical analysis.