The search results were encapsulated as the incremental model and were transmitted to the client.
Presently the main software process models are waterfall model, V-Shape model, incremental model, spiral model, rapid prototype model and parallel model.
The team would like to extend the 3-D modeling of the indoor environment and consider the problem of incremental model updating after a building is demolished.
The model increment annexation algorithm was devised to annex the incremental model onto primary geometric model at the client to form the modified collaborative CAD model.
Like the sequential model, the incremental model is scoped and planned up front and therefore best suited to projects with very well defined requirements that are not subject to change.
Refer to forward engineering, the implementation includes evolutionary model, incremental model and explosive model, the choice depends on the target platform and technology requirement.
As a result of this business model, however, incremental developments to meet the requirements of new consumers one at a time can sometimes leave fundamental improvements lagging.
This way, you can continue to implement your methods in the code and, at the same time, make incremental modifications to the model.
Mark's solution proposes a model that allows feed readers to reconstruct the history of a feed by paging through multiple incremental feed documents.
Google's Chrome team iterates quickly and has adopted a very rapid and incremental development model.
The governance model should also address the fundamental requirement of incremental adaptation, with a focus on using the lessons learned in each step to define and execute the next step.
The hybrid model also lends itself to an incremental approach.
Incremental Learning is one of major characteristics of natural intelligence, how shall robotics model Incremental Learning?
An incremental stress rheology model is developed to study the dynamics of tee-tonic mineralization.
The trick is to provide implementations of these features in a way that preserves the incremental implementation model.
A distributed model of incremental attribute reduction is also presented by decomposing values of decision attribute of positive region and boundary region in non-tolerant decision table.
In the mathematical model, the incremental iteration method is used to deal with such complicated nonlinear as boundary nonlinear, physical property nonlinear, transformation nonlinear etc.
This paper puts forward a state-based incremental class test strategy on the basis of the FREE state test model.
Based on DragPush strategy, the paper introduces a text classification incremental learning model, named ICCDP.
The present study observes effects of exhaustive exercise on the energy transformation of rat liver mitochondria using treadmill run of SD rats with incremental load as the exercise model.
The incremental motion equations of a M DOF structural system excitated by seismic waves are formulated based on FEM, and a seismic response model for cable stayed bridges are proposed.
Objective: To study the effects of incremental load training on exercise capacity by establishing exercise fatigue model.
Incremental analysis is employed to infer the analytical model of the change ratio of unitcost.
The incremental transmission algorithm of B-rep-based changed primitives is presented in this paper, reduces the model data requiring to be transmitted as far as possible, and guarantee the real-ti.
The traditional image incremental updating method is based on the Pyramid Model, it stores the changing images in form of the pyramid blocks.
An incremental stress rheology model is developed to study the dynamics of tectonic mineralization.
An advantage of the incremental algorithm is that it can be used to train SVM model online, which largely extends the application area of SVM.
Cash flow variables provide significant incremental information content based on accrued model both 1 and 2 year in advance of financial distress.
A model of rats with exercise-induced lower hemoglobin, having their incremental loading swimming training in flowing water for 8 weeks has been established.
A model of rats with exercise-induced lower hemoglobin, having their incremental loading swimming training in flowing water for 8 weeks has been established.