I analyzed the content, property and characteristic as to it, the point lies in the elucidation that explains independent foundation of child's rights and maximizes proper to child's benefits.
Independent type of tower crane foundation relatively high investment cost, the utility model has the advantages of small occupied area, select the tower location flexible, good safety and stability.
Independent is the foundation of probing, cooperation is the form of probing, probing is the goal of independent study and cooperative study. The three substances is an inalienable whole.
The former is only a foundation which is independent in his formation of the life outlook, while the latter is his ultimate life goal.
Shanghai United Foundation (SUF) is the first independent public grant-making foundation in Shanghai, founded in 2009.
On the foundation of the analysis and comparison of the error of the combination forecast and independent forecast, the paper has given the conditions of the former being least.
TPS designed on kernel of this platform inherited its attribute, and can be independent of hardware of ATS. The platform provided the foundation for general utility ATS design.
The university of Canterbury undergraduate and postgraduate education goal is to develop a solid foundation of knowledge, and can conduct independent thinking of specialized personnel.
In Liaoning grand theatre structural design, the foundation style of independent basement adding construction foundation plate is selected.
In Liaoning grand theatre structural design, the foundation style of independent basement adding construction foundation plate is selected.