The advantage of using sub models is that they can exist independently of the main model.
There are two main groups of bats, which are believed to have evolved independently of each other, but both from a common ancestor.
Generally, young women have had growing success in the paid labor market since 1960 and hence might increasingly be expected to be able to afford to live independently of their parents.
Some parts overlap, meaning that they cannot change jobs independently of one another.
A benefit of NFS is that it ACTS independently of machines types and operating systems.
You can turn on activity and variable auditing independently of process level auditing.
Developers can easily create the UI and implement business logic independently of each other.
Both galleries operate independently of the auction houses, but the relationships are close.
The pattern of grazing or foraging independently of everyone else teaches precisely the opposite lesson.
On the other hand, arrange All arranges the entire activity diagram independently of the selected object.
Both solutions enable Task 4 to execute correctly and independently of the branching decision in the decision gateway.
Independently of the "threshold" parameter staff repositories can impose their own limitations on the result set size.
With some knowledge of the personal relations of the dreamer, I was able to interpret parts of it independently of her.
The picture represents what it represents, independently of its truth or falsehood, through the form of representation.
It also lets you to tune and configure the WebSphere Process Server cluster independently of the messaging engine cluster.
But Philip Beresford, who compiles the Rich List, dismisses the idea that women are breaking into its ranks independently of men.
The techniques discussed here apply independently of the underlying virtualization technology and guest operating system you choose.
UIMA supports a common data representation of artifacts and artifact metadata independently of the original representation of the artifact.
If the data is such that each record can be processed independently of the others, then the sequence in which they are processed does not matter.
But the Cardiff team, funded by the British Heart Foundation, have identified a surprising new mechanism that works independently of nitric oxide.
然而,由英国心脏基金会(British Heart Foundation)资助的加的夫研究小组发现了一个惊人的新机制,该机制无需依赖一氧化氮。
Typically, the consolidation process is scheduled to occur daily, weekly, and so on — independently of the access by a consumer of the target data.
Irwin noted that this association was established independently of other depressive symptoms, chronic medical disease or any use of antidepressants.
It is caused by damage to certain parts of the brain, and causes one of a person's hands to act independently of the other and of its owner's wishes.
The cluster member can also order the work and ensure that it's processed in the correct sequence in memory, independently of any other cluster members.
As with any performance metrics, these guidelines should be taken with a big grain of salt, and should not considered independently of applications and usage.
Franco told the Italian newspaper, La Stampsa: "The people depicted [in art] tell us about their vulnerable humanity, independently of the awareness of the artist."
SCA components are purposely infrastructure-agnostic, which helps with both components and infrastructure engines that are developed or acquired independently of each other.
More generally, it is desirable that, independently of which authority is the reviewing agency, merger control across the EU ensures the protection of undistorted competition.
More generally, it is desirable that, independently of which authority is the reviewing agency, merger control across the EU ensures the protection of undistorted competition.