Describing the Quercus hello world PHP file (index.php).
Quercushello worldphp文件(index . php)描述。
Clear all breakpoints, then set a breakpoint at line 14 in index.php.
取消所有断点,然后在index . php中的第14行设置一个断点。
Unlike the voting tools, this group of tools does not have an index.php.
与投票工具不同,现在这组工具没有index . php文件。
Listing 5 provides the code for index.php, which is placed in the root folder.
清单5给出index . php的代码,这个文件放在根文件夹中。
Contacts-index.php lists contact entries and provides links to add and delete entries.
contacts - index . php列出联系人条目,并提供链接以添加和删除条目。
This page is a PHP file called index.php, but it mostly contains HTML code at this point.
此页面是一个php文件,称为index . php,但此时它包含最多的仍是HTML代码。
Listing 9 is the code you add to the index.php page, right after the form you put in before.
清单9是添加到index . php页面的代码,这些代码就放在前面添加的表单之后。
The run function is the function that is called by the main index.php file to execute the module.
主 index.php文件将调用run函数来执行模块。
To access this list of users, add a link to users.php on the index.php file, right above the form.
为了访问这个用户列表,在index . php文件中表单的上方添加一个到users . php的链接。
To use it, all you have to do is call that function on index.php and retrieve all the posts for that user.
要使用该函数,只需在index . php上调用它,并检索那个用户的所有贴子。
The helloworld application is a PHP-based application that consists of a single Web page called index.php.
helloworld应用程序是基于php的应用程序,由单个网页index . php组成。
Switch to the IDE and place the cursor in the first line of index.php, just about to include the class file.
切换到IDE,将游标放在index . php的第一行,就在包含类文件的地方。
Now go back to the index.php file and work on passing in more than one user ID to show_posts , as shown below.
现在回到index . php文件,将不止一个用户ID传递给show _ posts,如下面的清单所示。
Then another session variable is set (the update message), and the user is redirected back to the index.php page.
然后,设置另一个会话变量(更新消息),并将用户重定向回index.php 页面。
Or, you can simply start the session if the landing page, index.php, is browsed, and debug the entire application.
也可以在浏览主页index . php时启动调试会话,调试整个应用程序。
You should wind up with four directories (app, cake, doc, and vendors), as well two files (.htaccess and index.php).
应当得到四个目录(app、cake、doc和vendors)以及两个文件(. htaccess和index . php)。
Index.php will connect to the database, and check to see how many entries there are in the poll database that haven't expired.
And last but not least, you need to modify /column/htdocs/symfony/index.php so it knows what the real root directory is for your project.
最后一个要点是,需要修改 /column/htdocs/symfony/index.php使其知道项目的实际根目录位置。
To instruct Apache to delegate certain requests to PHP, add an AddType directive, and include index.php as a recognized DirectoryIndex value.
为了引导Apache代理把某些请求转交给php,需要添加addtype指令,并且将index . php作为一个可识别的directoryindex值来包含。
The act parameter specifies which module to invoke, which index.php does by looking for a file called act.php in the modules source directory.
act参数指定调用哪个模块,index . php通过在模块源目录中查找名为act . php的文件来实现。
The index function will load any requests that come bare to that controller, just like an index.html or index.php file will on a static server.
index函数将直接加载任何请求到此控制器,就像静态服务器上的index .html或index . php文件。
Recall from an earlier discussion that the OAT bootstrap index.php loads modules by looking for a file matching act.php in the modules directory.
回顾一下前面的讨论,OAT 启动index.php文件通过在模块目录中查找匹配act.php 的文件来加载模块。
The application shown in Listing 2, index.php, creates pizza orders using the Pizza class (shown in Listing 3) to calculate the price of each pizza.
It hides information regarding your WordPress version from non-administrators and plugin directory from visitors by dropping a blank index.php file.
它对非管理员用户隐藏wordpress的版本信息,并在plugin目录中放置一个空的index . php文件以防止访问者访问plugin目录。
In order to indicate to index.php that the module needs to be found in the plugin directory, you will use more of a path name in the URL for the act parameter.
为了向index . php表明需要在插件目录中查找模块,您将在act参数的URL中使用一个路径名。
By specifying act=myPlugin/myReports, index.php sees that it is a path name and therefore recognizes that you are loading a plug-in instead of a regular module.
通过指定act=myPlugin/myReports,index.php 就知道这是一个路径名,从而意识到正在加载的是插件而不是模块。
If you want to run this example from home, you will only need to call this script index.php and place it in the served-out directory of an Apache/mod_php server.
如果您希望从主目录运行此示例,只需将此脚本命名为 index.php,并将其放在Apache/mod_php服务器的对外服务目录中。
Once you've copied the files over, you need to open up /column/protected/cakephp/app/webroot/index.php and make a couple edits: The existing definitions for ROOT and APP_DIR need to be updated.
当您复制完文件之后,需要打开 /column/protected/cakephp/app/webroot/index.php 并作一些编辑:需要更新ROOT和 APP_DIR的现有定义。
Once you've copied the files over, you need to open up /column/protected/cakephp/app/webroot/index.php and make a couple edits: The existing definitions for ROOT and APP_DIR need to be updated.
当您复制完文件之后,需要打开 /column/protected/cakephp/app/webroot/index.php 并作一些编辑:需要更新ROOT和 APP_DIR的现有定义。